💥 Boost Your Vibe: Free EFT Tapping Round For You

Aug 13, 2024 9:28 am

Hi ,

Welcome to this week’s EFT Tapping Round-Up!

We’re diving into boosting your vibe with tapping, but first, let’s cover the usual updates…

Happy reading and happy tapping!

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🚀 Popular This Week: TA Membership!


🙋‍♀️ Ready to deepen your EFT Tapping practice and connect with a supportive community?

We’re thrilled to welcome some new members recently, and we'd love for you to join us too, !

Whether you’re just starting out, have been tapping for a while, or are a seasoned practitioner, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Right now, membership is just $10 per year. If you join now, you'll lock in this rate forever, even when prices increase in September, thanks to our 'protected pricing' promise. We'd be excited to have you with us!

Join Now for $10!

🗣️ Tapping Talk: Recent News Highlights

Did you know August is EFT Tapping Month?

“This August marks the world’s 6th Annual International EFT Tapping Month, organizers said. EFT Tapping, a simple healing modality like acupuncture but without the needles, is growing in popularity because of its effectiveness in addressing anxiety, stress, and some physical pain.” - read more

Releasing stress with a tap

"Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is a way to release limiting beliefs from the mind and body. Morgan Sheridan, EFT practitioner, holistic lifestyle coach, and yoga instructor, joined our show to share the benefits of EFT tapping." - watch now

EFT and music improve anxiety

"Does anyone use music with your EFT Tapping sessions? Maybe you tap alongside the music? Maybe music is the stimulus for some tapping? The research shows music therapy is absolutely effective for many things, anxiety, blood pressure and more (EFT beat it out here for state anxiety), but it just might enhance your tapping sessions!" - read more


Image credit: Dr Peta Stapleton on Facebook

🔐 Insider Scoop: Membership Updates

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💭 Final Thoughts - Boosting Your Vibe 💥

Your "vibe" is the energy and emotional state you carry with you. It can fluctuate based on daily experiences and stress. Fortunately, EFT Tapping is a powerful tool to elevate your vibe and re-energize yourself.

To help you get started, here’s a quick tapping exercise you can follow:

1. Setup Phrase (Side of the Hand):

Tap the side of your hand (formerly the Karate Chop point) with the fingers of the opposite hand and say:

“Even though I’m feeling a bit low right now, I deeply and completely accept myself.” (repeat this three times)

2. Eyebrow Point:

Tap gently on the inner edge of your eyebrow, just above the nose, and say:

“I’m feeling drained and uninspired.”

3. Side of the Eye:

Tap on the bone just beside your eye and say:

“This tiredness is affecting my vibe.”

4. Under the Eye:

Tap on the bone just below your eye and say:

“I want to release this heavy feeling.”

5. Under the Nose:

Tap just below your nose and above your lip, saying:

“I’m ready to feel more energized and positive.”

6. Chin Point:

Tap in the middle of your chin, and say:

“I choose to boost my energy now.”

7. Collarbone Point:

Tap just below the collarbone on either side and say:

“I’m open to increasing my vibe and vitality.”

8. Under the Arm:

Tap about four inches below your armpit and say:

“I’m allowing myself to feel renewed and vibrant.”

9. Top of the Head:

Tap gently on the top of your head and say:

“I am embracing a higher vibe and more energy. I choose to uplift my spirit and feel more and more vibrant each day.”

Repeat this sequence a few times, or as needed, until you start to feel a shift in your energy.

For our members, there's a more in-depth video titled “Overcoming Tiredness and Creating Energy” available. If you’re interested in exploring this further, check it out here (Members only).

Here’s to a more vibrant you!

💌 Feel free to reply and let me know how you get on with the tapping exercise - I’d love to hear about your experiences and any shifts you notice!

With love,


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