5 Ways to Enhance Your Money Journalling Practice

So, you’ve decided to start a money journal to improve your relationship with cash? You’ve made a great decision! Journalling is an incredibly powerful way to write your way to wealth. The question is, how can you really maximise the benefits of mone...

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May 07, 2021
3 Ways Your Mind Can Help You Gain Personal Freedom

What is personal freedom and how can it help you to live a fulfilling, happy life? Personal freedom might sound a bit woo-woo, but many people get tied down by obligations or expectations and end up living a life they feel trapped by. This can be for...

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Jan 15, 2021
EFT Tapping “Selling on Social Media Feels Icky”

A simple reframe with EFT tapping can help you feel more at ease with sharing your products or services on social media. The thought of having to sell on social media brings many business owners out in a cold sweat! But selling your stuff is pretty i...

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Jan 15, 2021