Advocating For Autism: Anna’s Story of Resilience

Originally from Middlesbrough, Anna and Sean Kennedy are parents of two boys, Patrick, and Angelo, who are both diagnosed with autism. In 1999 having been turned away by no fewer than twenty-six special needs schools when searching for appropriate ed...

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Dec 09, 2022
How EFT Tapping Can Help Relieve Anxiety

If you’re one of the 275 million people in the world who suffer from anxiety, you know how debilitating it can be. There are many treatments available, but one that is gaining popularity is using EFT tapping. You may have already tried various tools,...

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Oct 18, 2022
I Quit Facebook Groups For Business, Here’s Why…

Although I’ve been on Facebook for well over a decade, I’ll be honest, it’s been a love/hate relationship…and now it’s time for me to quit Facebook groups. Over the past few months I’ve been thinking a lot about my usage of the Facebook platform…whic...

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Sep 28, 2022
5 Super Smart Budgeting Tips for Entrepreneurs

Wearing all the hats as a business owner can be really challenging. And one of the hardest hats to wear? That’ll be the ‘Chief Accountant & Bookkeeper’ hat. Learn ways you can lean into discomfort and become more financially empowered. Starting y...

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Mar 28, 2022
The Rich Get Richer & The Poor Get Poorer (+Video)

Did you hear the phrase ‘the rich get richer and the poor get poorer’ when you were growing up? Most people have probably heard (or used it) at some point during their lives. But what impact can this seemingly harmless belief have on your business su...

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Jul 16, 2021
6 Tips for Setting Healthy Business Boundaries

Your business relationships are really important, after all, you want to provide a really good service so that your clients feel like you truly care about them. But you may be surprised to learn that setting firm business boundaries is one of the bes...

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Jul 01, 2021
Cultivating an Abundance Mindset – EFT Tapping Script

Emotional Freedom Technique can help you install new beliefs about money and it all starts with cultivating an abundance mindset. Hands up if you’ve experienced income blocks, overspending, pricing stresses, feeling awkward about chasing up unpaid in...

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Jun 18, 2021
3 Frustrating Myths About Self-Compassion

For many people, self-compassion is just a new-fangled notion in the self-help world. You hear all the gurus talking about it, see all the articles online and it keeps cropping up on social media too; it can feel like there’s no escape! But what exac...

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May 21, 2021