The Survey Results, New Webinar Dates and A Heartfelt Thank You!
Aug 07, 2024 10:30 am
Hello and thank you,
Thank you to everyone who completed the survey or replied to me by email. You have added your voice and that will help me develop new programmes to support your healing.
The Results:
Webinars won by an overwhelming margin! I have set these dates for webinars: Thursday, September 19, Sunday, October 27, and Wednesday, November 20. Mark your calendars and I will keep you updated with the details and registration link shortly.
Day and Time:
Weekdays 12 to 4 and 4 to 8 were evenly chosen and Weekends Afternoons. I'm going to split the first 3 webinars between these days and times and then I'll adjust based on attendance.
How to create an unapologetic life
Navigating relationships and setting healthy boundaries
Building Self-Esteem and confidence
These were the clear winners. These will be the topics for our first 3 webinars.
$10 to 20 for a webinar was the clear winner so I will focus on that price range.
Personalized Journals and Meditations:
There was quite a bit of interest and I'm going to reach out personally to everyone who said yes and offer a free short consulation to get a clearer insight into what it would look like for them. And create something that speaks to them for a very tiny price. Meditations and journaling are close to my heart!
Group Coaching and Community:
I have closed my FB group recently and I'm currently investigating where and how to set up a new community off FB. More on this later.
If there is anything you want to add or ask, reply to this email and let me know.
I will be contacting the winners of the prizes privately (Congratulations!) and thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.