New Blog Post: It's Not Love, It's Your Pattern, {{contact.first_name}}

Sep 05, 2024 10:30 am



One of the most important lessons in my recovery journey was recognizing I was not falling in love, or feeling love, I was simply repeating patterns of unhealthy attraction based on my childhood experiences. And that realization was where my real healing began.

When people think of love, they often imagine a deep connection, mutual respect, and a sense of safety and security. However, what happens when that "love" repeatedly leads to pain, frustration, and disappointment? The truth is, sometimes what we believe to be love is not love at all—it's a pattern.

In my lastest blog post, "It's not love, it's your pattern: Understanding the Difference and Breaking Free", I chat about the hows and whys and give you journal prompts to support your personal discovery.

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Would love to hear your thoughts on is it love or just an unhealthy pattern I'm repeating.


PS: Take the first step to your bold, unapologetic life. Click the link to schedule your complimentary session now.
