As winter begins to set in...

Hey all!I don’t know about you, but it is starting to get chillier here, and I’m a little sad to see it getting dark so early. So it goes. Despite the onset of winter, it’s also an exciting time as the mountains get covered in snow and houses and yar...

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Nov 16, 2021
Some Halloween book deals

Happy Halloween! We got candy all set for trick or treaters. Our little guy is a bit too young to go himself, but he's had fun seeing all the costumes this weekend, and he looked really cute in a little skeleton onesie of his own. We also carved a pu...

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Oct 31, 2021
Read more of my free serial

Hey all!Hope all is well in your corner of the world. I’ve got lots of great stuff for you here in the middle of the best month of the year. At least I think it is!Cooler weather. Fall colors. Scary movies. Postseason baseball (Go Red Sox!). And hey,...

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Oct 16, 2021
Don't miss my free serial story

Hey all!I hope all is well in your corner of the world. I am hard at work on the new LitRPG fantasy series. September has been my most productive month of the year, and I’m well-past halfway finished with the first book. I expect to have it finished...

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Oct 01, 2021
A Cover Reveal, a Patreon, and a Free Book

Hey all!The past few weeks have been very busy, and I have a lot of news I am super excited to share with you.First of all, I am giving away Book One of the Shadow Watch series for FREE. This is only available through tomorrow (Fri.), so be sure...

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Sep 17, 2021
The Well of Shadows audiobook is in production

Hey all!Between the return to school and a big move into a new house, August has flown by, and sadly, not much writing has been done.But things are finally settling down again, and I am back to work on my new project, Pantheon.In other news, the fina...

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Aug 31, 2021
End of Summer Special Continues

Hey all!For me, summer has come and gone very fast, and I am back to work with my other job as a high school English and Mythology teacher. After a year and a half working from behind a screen, it will be a bit of an adjustment being back in my class...

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Aug 16, 2021
Don't Miss this End of July Book Sale

Hey all!I don't know about you, but it feels like this summer is flying by. Mine has been a mix of busy and fun. Busy with buying and selling a house and getting my new project ready for the Kindle Vella release, but fun with traveling and spending t...

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Jul 31, 2021
The Summer Book Releases Continue

Hey all!It has turned into an even bigger summer of releases for me this year. There’s been a lot going on, and if you’re like me, it’s hard to keep up with things this time of year.So ICYMI…The final Shadow Watch book released two months ago. O...

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Jul 18, 2021
A Brand New Story releasing on Kindle Vella

I have been sitting on this news for a while, but I am so excited to announce that I've got a brand new project, which will be releasing on Amazon's brand new platform Kindle Vella.First of all, what is Kindle Vella?Kindle Vella is a brand new platfo...

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Jul 14, 2021