
Here’s something that has changed for me… I don’t rush anymore.Life can get super busy and we can get so caught in our day to day that it can pass us by- sleep, eat, work, repeat. We can be driving to work and not remember the journey, or be busy rep...

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Mar 15, 2023
Time to put you first!

So this is a long BLOG but it’s pure gold… because by the end you will know all about how I utilise frequency you help normalise your body systems and diminish your symptoms. 🪄💫✨So I mention frequencies A LOT- because we’ll they are everything.Whe...

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Oct 19, 2022
Grief and you

Grief is a very individual thing to process.Unprocessed grief can be re-triggered by unconnected events- if you are feeling grief at this time then know you are held 💕From my perspective as a therapist and wellness practitioner grief can also manife...

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Sep 09, 2022
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

We need minerals- but no body really talks about them, certainly not as much as they do about vitamins.It is important to recognise that minerals are essential to life. But what do we need? You may know that some minerals are good for you, but you ma...

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Jul 22, 2022
Water Water Everywhere...

Knowing that your body is comprised of approximately 98.9% water molecules (Gerald Pollack); does that make you want to optimise the body of water you are?If so, why would you drink anything but the BEST water?You are what you drink! Literally.What i...

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Jun 30, 2022
Do you like stories?

Read All About It 〰️ Read All About It〰️ Read All About It 〰️ What does your hair say?Well your hair tells a story, a tale about you...

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Jun 19, 2022
Heavy Metal Toxicity?

The toxic metals inhibit it prevent enzymes from connecting with our nutrient minerals by blocking their receptor sites- so we become nutrient deficient. It changes the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen composition- chronically this may dir...

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Jun 13, 2022
Struggling with self care?

Let’s help you take some of the decision work out …Here’s some gentle reminders about how you can care for yourself, however they shouldn’t be limited to just one day.Start by picking one and just do it.If you found this helpful hit the 💜...

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May 21, 2022
Do You Feel Dizzy At The Computer?

With all the increased screen time of late is it any wonder that you may be feeling the effects?I recently had a question in my coaching group about screen time. After a period of screen time, the individual was feeling their head starting to spin, f...

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May 12, 2022