Intentional Retiree Newsletter
Feb 20, 2023 5:06 pm
Hello :
Many of us focus on doing the next thing on our list.
We do not step back to see how it impacts us.
Today, I offer you an activity to start gaining awareness of yourself and what activities, situations, people, environments, etc. drain and which charge your battery.
"How to Maintain My Battery?"
1. Write-down all the activities you perform and for how long for one whole day.
2. Next to each activity, indicate whether the activity gives you energy (+), takes energy away (-), or is neutral (0). For example, exercising +, watching multiple streaming shows (-), brushing my teeth (0)
3. Now graph the activities as adding or subtracting your energy.
4. Take a critical look at your list of activities. What can you do to minimize the energy drains and strengthen the energy gains?
Live your life...
Want to connect: Here is my calendar.