There is no single answer to the best time to post on your social media channels. However, I've found there are some general principles that can help determine the best time to release your post: 1. Contrary to popular opinion, I'm going to say to start with the best time for your schedule. That means the time when you are available to engage with commenters, hashtags, etc.. Why? It does you no good to put your post out there at the "best time for your audience" (according to your analytics) if you're then not able to respond for a long time thereafter. Furthermore, by being present, you can generate more traffic for your content not just by responding to comments on your posts and engaging with other active accounts, but also by doing active outreach, commenting on recent posts to related hashtags, etc.. If you can check in periodically a few times in the hours after the post goes out, even better. Follow @my_togblog for more tips on content creation and social media. 2. Taking your schedule into account, find the active time for your follower base (on the notion that with more of them online, more of will likely engage with your post at the time it's posted). This helps to bump up the momentum of your post, getting it pushed out further to more followers and non-followers alike. 3. Consider audience factors such as when people in your industry or target demographic are likely to be active (e.g., breakfast, noontime, weekends). This may depend on whether it's a business or hobby-based audience you're hoping to connect with. Bonus tips: Experiment! What you think are the best times may not be the best times, and you'll never find out the actual best times unless you try different things. Also, keep in mind time of day is only one aspect of what determines the success of a post (or lack thereof). So don't stress about it too much and just try to keep things fun! . . . . . #socialmediastrategytips #socialmediastrategy101 #socialmediatipsandtricks #socialmediatipsforbusiness #socialmediatipsmarketing #socialmediatips101 #socialmediamarketingtip #socialmediamarketing101 #socialmediamarketingmanager #socialmediamarketingstrategist
Once in a while, it’s good to try something experimental with your photography. ⠀ In this example, I’ve taken a shot of this stop sign reflected in a puddle and then filpped the image upside down (so it appears right side up). I then did some editing in Focos (mainly, increasing vividness to enhance the clarity of the reflection) and adding filters in Mextures (to increase colour saturation of the sign). ⠀ Smash the like ♥️ If you think this looks cool 😎! And, don’t forget to follow 👉 @my_togblog for tips on photography, content creation, and social media. . . . . . #fineartphotographymag #creativephoto #creativephotos #creativephotographer #creativephotoshoot #fineartphoto #suburbanphotography #photographyblog #photographyblogger #photographybloggers #photographyhobby #photographybeginner ⠀
Waiting for the 🆆🅴🅴🅺🅴🅽🅳? ⠀ We’re almost there! Happy Friday! 😀🙌 . . . . #friyay #happyfriyay #friyay🙌 #paperclippeople #fridayvibe #fridayfunnies #photoblog #photoblogger #photoblogging #angusontario #ontarioblogger #mytogblog
Hope you are blazing some good trails this week! So far, so good here. 👍 You have to live in a certain type of climate to find signs and trails like these around. It's a good reminder that stuff you find as common or even mundane, may be regarded as unusual and interesting by others. 😊 I think this is one of the cool things about sharing photos on social media. The potential audience could be anywhere! 🙌 Keep this in mind, next time you may be thinking you're in a "boring location" with "not much to photograph" 😉 And don't forget to follow 👉 @my_togblog for tips on photography, content creation, and social media. . . . . . #photographytipsandtricks #photographytips #photographytipsforbeginners #photographytips101 #photographyhobby #photographylovers😘 #photoblog #photoblogger #mytogblog
Sitting in the clean laundry! Is that necessary? ⠀ Pet photography is popular genre that can be a fun and easy one to practice at home. Like portrait photography, the key to a great photo is one that captures something of the personality of the subject. 😻 ⠀ Follow 👉 @my_togblog for tips on photography, content creation, and social media. ⠀ Here, I’ve tried to capture the essence of Athena’s mischievous nature, while being caught in the clean laundry basket (where she knows that she’s not allowed)! ⠀ Since she was already there, I pretended not to see that. Now I’ll be in trouble! 😉💖 Guess that I will need to get out the lint roller. 😂 . . . . . #petphotographytips #petphotographyathome #petphotography #catphotos #catphotofriday #catphotoshoot #photoblog #photoblogger #photoblogging #mytogblog
Negative space can be an effective device for highlighting the main subject and striking certain types of moods in your photography. This is the opposite of the "filling the frame" approach. Rather than having the subject occupy lots of space, you frame the photo in such a way that there's lots of empty or "white space" (in graphic designer lingo) around your main subject. Follow 👉@my_togblog for tips on photography, content creation, and social media. When lots of negative space is used, there's not much else to look at in a photo (other than the main subject), so the viewer's eye is naturally drawn to that subject (Slide 2, white arrows). Here, I've also used the leading line in the road to help emphasize that (Slide 2, short green arrow). If the subject is on the left, the viewer may also look outward to see what else may be there or to notice the emptiness of the space (Slide 2, longer green arrow). Additionally, negative space can create a sense of the quietness or expanisiveness of a landscape. That's the mood I was hoping to establish here, though the latter part works better if the photo can be seen in more of a landscape format. Hit that like button ❤️ if your eye was drawn to the white barn and you feel this photo captures that quiet, expansive rural landscape mood. 😀🙌 . . . . . #photographytips #photographytipsandtricks #photographytipsanstricks #photographytipsforbeginers #rurallandscapes🌳 #rurallandscapephotographer #barnphotography #mytogblog #ruralphotography
Let's start by acknowledging this is more of a spectrum rather than an either/or proposition. However, putting things in these stark kinds of terms can be a great way of thinking about where you are in relation to the best practices in each area. Follow 👉@my_togblog for tips on photography, content creation, and social media. I started going through this as an exercise for myself, then realized that the scope was a lot broader than I initially thought and the results might make for an interesting post idea. I can say that I'm definitely not perfect in all of these areas. Like most other content creators, I have some areas of strength and areas for improvement. For example, although I'm happy with my profile page and the progress I've made with video content, I still struggle with production and/or engagement at times. I think the way to look at this is not to try and be "great everywhere," especially if you're just starting out. It should be more a question of what areas would you like to move the needle in first and what might you do to make that happen? Is there anything else you'd add to this list? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. . . . . . #socialmediatipsandtricks #socialmediatipsforbusiness #socialmediatipsmarketing #socialmediatips101 #socialmediastrategytips #socialmediastrategy101 #socialmediatip #socialmediamanagers
See ya’ later, Frosty! 13 degree Celsius today. Nice to see you, but it’s time for you go back North for another season. ⛄️😉🎉 ⠀ Drop me a Spring emoji if you’re ready for the start of a new season! And don’t forget to follow 👉 @mytogblog for tips, ideas, and stories about photography, content creation & social media. . . . . . #snowman⛄ #winter2022 #shareyourweather #photoblog #photoblogging #mytogblog #ontarioblogger #photoblogger #allistonontario #discoverontario
Railway crossing, south east of Angus, Ontario. ⠀ Looking at this photo, I’m reminded that change can be regarded as hopeful, ominous, or both at the same time. ⠀ But there’s only one direction we can go and that’s forward. . . . . . #railwaycrossing #railwaycrossings #silhouettephotography #silhouettephoto #contentcreatormindset #mindsetsuccess #photoblog #photoblogger #photoblogging #photobloggers
This is one way to stand out in a crowded market. This is not a Photoshopped image. The sign for this store is installed upside-down - on purpose! 😮 Follow 👉 @my_togblog for tips, ideas, and stories about photography and social media. If you drive along Highway 400 in Barrie (going north), you'll see this store (and its upside-down sign) on the right. It stands out among the range of other stores dotting the roadside on that stretch. If you Google "upside-down sign, Barrie," it's the first result. The first time that I saw this, I assumed it was some sort of bizarre mistake on the part of the sign installers. But how? Surely, anyone would have noticed the sign was upside-down! 🤔 Of course, I had to look it up! Doing that, you'll find they meant for it to be this way. Now they even have a commercial about the messages they receive about their sign. And now, you know about this place too! The reason for that is they've found a way to stand out, by being different. It's a great example of how powerful this principle can be for your social media account. 👍 What can you do to stand out among a sea of similar competitors? . . . . . #socialmediatipsandtricks #socialmediatipsmarketing #socialmediatips101 #socialmediatipsforbusiness #socialmediamarketingstrategy #socialmediamarketingtip #socialmediamarketing101 #socialmediamarketingmanager
Mytogblog (Tim)
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