,Hello, and Happy Monday! The wind is trying to blow us away today. 🌬 But when I don't have to be outside, I like the sound of it rushing through the trees 🌳Plus it pushes out the winter inversion and dries up the mud. WinWin! 👏I meant to send this...
,Hello, and Happy Monday! The wind is trying to blow us away today. 🌬 But when I don't have to be outside, I like the sound of it rushing through the trees 🌳 Plus it pushes out the winter inversion and dries up the mud. WinWin! 👏 I meant to send t...
, Happy Valentine's Day! For my gift to you, I wanted to share a great group of books! 💌 All the cozy mysteries in one lovely place. Go ahead, click and scroll to view all the fun covers and get some great reading time in! CLICK HERE to start browsi...
,I've been sitting on my hands until I could make this special announcement! My entire catalog is officially available in KINDLE UNLIMITED on Amazon, to read for free. If you're a subscriber to Kindle Unlimited, this is big! *if you're not... please...
,Hello, and Happy New Year! 🥂 I hope you have something FUN planned. I love cozying up at home with a few favorite things (and people!) But I also love getting done up to go out. 👗 Which category are you in tonight while you ring in the new year? I...