Business Plan, How to go about it.

Business Plan, How to go about it.A business plan lays out where your business stands in the present and where it’s headed in the future. If you’re applying for a loan or bringing on investors, your business plan proves that your business is making m...

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Jun 13, 2021
Locked Down, Not Knocked Out

Is your business accounting affected by the novel Corona Virus, code named Covid-19?Maybe you no longer document the financial transactions still going on in your business.You can no longer put your hand on the control of your business as haphazard h...

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Nov 02, 2020
There is crises in business!

There is a crisis currently happening in Nigeria. And it's affecting at least 80% of small businesses. It's the accounting crisis. Small business owners are not using their  book keeping to make smart, informed decisions. Many do not even h...

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Oct 07, 2020
Locked Down, Not Knocked Out

Is your business accounting affected by the novel Corona Virus, code named Covid-19?Maybe you no longer document the financial transactions still going on in your business.You can no longer put your hand on the control of your business as haphazard h...

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Oct 01, 2020