There is crises in business!

Oct 07, 2020 7:05 pm


There is a crisis currently happening in Nigeria. And it's affecting at least 80% of small businesses. It's the accounting crisis.

Small business owners are not using their  book keeping to make smart, informed decisions. Many do not even have any  book keeping system at all.

As a result they are going out of business. Thousands...By the day...But why aren't they using accounting to stay afloat? Because, either they don't have the time or they don't know how to or they don't have accounting or they neither have accounting nor time. But nothing should be an excuse, or is your  business just  a smoke screen? if not how can one open his/her eyes to the dwindling and confusing state of his/her business?

It's time to refocus, it's time to reawaken. And we are offering you a free 30 minutes consultation on how our services can give you the peace of mind you have always desired in your business.

Call/SMS us on 09047056705; email us on You can also join our small business whatsapp channel here:
