Thank you so much! In the last week, ReImagine Worlds has reached 42.6 K people with our posts and content about stopping dysfunctional family patterns. Let's keep spreading that message! Share this and visit us on social media and our website I'm so grateful and genuinely humbled by your support. Sending you all peace, love, and light! #thankful #grateful #genuine
You went through a "No" phase as a toddler as practice for when you needed to say it as an adult. So what are you waiting on? Stop letting your toxic relatives mistreat you.
The black sheep blazes the trail for other family members to follow when they finally see the wolf.?
What are some signs that you came from a dysfunctional or toxic family? Some people who came from a dysfunctional family experience what they call “family schisms” where one member of the family will refuse to associate with any other members. Other common signs are feeling bad about themselves, low self-esteem, and lack of motivation.
Enmeshed relationships are characterized by two people who are so closely intertwined that they can't function on their own. They rely on each other for everything which is not only unhealthy but also prevents them from developing their independence. In order to heal an enmeshed relationship, it's important to break the cycle of co-dependence and learn to take care of oneself while still giving support to a partner. Some therapeutic strategies include: 1) analyzing the cycle of co-dependence and identifying the patterns, 2) practicing self-care skills such as setting limits, managing anger, and prioritizing one's needs over others', 3) practicing healthy communication skills such as active listening or speaking up for one's self in a non-threatening way. Enmeshed relationships can often lead to codependency, which is when someone loses their own identity and sense of self because they become so involved with the other person's needs, feelings, problems, etc. Codependency often leads to depression or anxiety because of all the stress that comes from it. Don't let enmeshed relationships take over your life!
So many of us grew up in unhealthy families, and it's a chapter most of us would like to forget. But the reality is that many of us are carrying on toxic family patterns unconsciously and/or our adult behavior mirrors our childhood trauma. We have to heal completely to stop this generational trauma. Start by knowing what role you assumed as a child. Take the quiz to find out and change your mindset and life today!
Don't let anyone take advantage of you! If someone is putting demands on your time that are unreasonable, speak up and say no. This doesn't mean being rude or unfriendly—it just means that they should respect your time as well as theirs. Think about what's bothering you in the relationship before talking with the other person.#setboundariesforyourself #setboundariesfindpeace #setboundaries
What is it that you won't allow? There's nothing wrong with saying no and mean it! When we stand up for ourselves, others learn not to take advantage of our kindness. Sometimes people push us past our comfort zone because they can sense when we're uncomfortable with something.#setboundaries #setboundariesfindpeace #setboundariesforyourself
If you're not saying no to things that are hurting your feelings or abilities, then it might be time for a heart-to-heart talk! If someone is constantly asking favors of you without reciprocating at all, they may just need some boundaries so they can learn how to treat others with respect and consideration. In a romantic relationship, if you feel like your partner doesn't care about your feelings or needs—and always puts their own first—it's time to have an honest conversation with them.#setboundaries #setboundariesforyourself
ReImagine Worlds with Dr. Suweeyah Salih
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