Instagram LogoThe hardest thing I ever had to do was forgive those who wronged me. As human beings, we are consciously aware of people who harmed us and we want them to be held accountable. So we hold on to the emotions associated with being wronged because it becomes a part of us, and we are constantly reminding ourselves about it. At some point, the pain of being wronged comforts us, and we embrace it. But one day, I got tired of holding those emotions and waiting for justice. It occurred to me I may never even see or know if those who wronged me were given their due. I realized that if I believed in God as I proclaimed, that it was not for me to look for an announcement or a sign that I had been vindicated from the Most High. No, I had to trust that God's justice was true and let it go. I turned it over to Him, and it was a great relief. I didn't have to carry that burden anymore. And once I did that, I understood that I had been vindicated a long time ago and hadn't realized it. Didn't God remove those people from my life? Hadn't I gone on and thrived? I saw I had only delayed my recognition of my strength and ability to keep moving forward. The people who wronged me knew they had not broken my spirit. I just had to remind myself who I was and NOT who others tried to make me in their efforts to wrong me. When I let go of the burden of reliving hurtful memories, I could see myself clearly, and I could heal and go on to live the life that was meant for me. It was not a quick or easy journey. It took time and effort. I also finally understood that forgiving didn't mean forgetting because it is in remembering where life lessons live. I learned what I would not be and what I would. I learned how I should treat people and how I should not. I learned that my story could help others, and I share it with you for that reason alone. I could tell you to let go and forgive. But I understand that you must travel that path when and if you decide. Instead, I encourage you to take the steps to become your best and most authentic self for you and those you love. When you are better, life is better. Trust me. I know. I wish you love, peace, and light.