Death House

We didn't have a lot of good things to say about this disappointing outing, based on a script from the late Gunnar Hansen (Leatherface). A rousing game of "spot the celebrity" helps to pass the time, even as you consider what a waste it is to assembl...

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Jun 25, 2019
The Wicker Man

Come with us as we unlock this puzzle of a film and talk about its storied history as Christopher Lee's most favorite performance of all time.

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Jun 18, 2019

The movies within a movie make THIS movie a joy to watch. More than anything, we want to attend the horror-sci-fi movie marathon that is the centerpiece of this film. We just don't want to die in the process.

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Jun 11, 2019

We're twisting our puzzle box to unlock Clive Barker's directorial debut about a twisted group of people summoning a twisted group of demons to do some seriously twisted things.

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Jun 04, 2019
The Changeling

George C. Scott plays a composer stumbling his way, puzzled, through a haunted house. SUPPOSEDLY based on a true story, but don't you believe it (says Todd). Thank you, Vincent, for your request!

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May 14, 2019
Mother's Day (1980)

We expected to hate this movie but were pleasantly surprised. Listen as we fall all over each other to offer some guarded and highly qualified opinions for this overlooked - but notorious - classic.

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May 07, 2019
The Toxic Avenger

Todd was anxious to subject Craig to another Troma film - one that goes to the heart of the studio, first introducing its most infamous icon.

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Apr 23, 2019
The Stuff

An unknown mutant ice cream/yogurt/whipped cream concoction bubbles out of the ground and makes people crazy, but that doesn't stop a company from packaging it up and making it into the hottest item of the century.

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Apr 16, 2019