Your Unique Voice Reflects Your Standards
Dec 27, 2024 12:01 pm
Hey ,
Just a few days ago, I was riding at the back of a bike in Bali, and I passed by this HUGE poster with a photo of some six-pack abs. There were big bold words plastered across these abs that said: "YOUR BODY REFLECTS YOUR STANDARDS".
Similarly, the state of your Your Unique Voice Reflects Your Standards.
Just like any other skill, mastering the use of your Unique Voice takes consistent work. Like going to the gym, you won't see any results if you simply go once in a while.
What's different about your Unique Voice is that it isn't just a skill to master. It is a relationship you need to build. And relationships take work. It takes communication, curiosity and understanding. And we all know this— deepening a relationship isn't a linear process, sometimes it feels like we're taking two steps forward and one step back.
But this relationship is worth it, I promise.
Our voice represents our identity. It is the channel in which we express who we are and what we stand for.
When you Own Your Voice, the entire world quietens down and a sense of peace permanently washes over you. It’s like entering a vacuum, where all the noise that distracts you gets muted out and you hear your inner voice ever so clearly.
It’s a one-of–a-kind feeling.
Suddenly, decisions flow with ease. Social interactions become playgrounds of possibility. Speaking and content creation become your outlet for art and expression. Your triggers, frustrations, and worries seem to melt away.
Because when you have your own back, something profound shifts.
People start seeing you differently. The Universe starts conspiring in your favour. Your groundedness becomes magnetic—attracting aligned clients, unexpected collaborations, and opportunities that light you up from deep within.
But all of this can only happen when you put in the work.
So, what determines "the work"?
In April 2024, I took my first ever dance class in Bali. As someone with two left feet, I was consumed with the fear of failing and looking stupid, but I just did it. At that point I had gone through rounds and rounds of burnout and I felt called to do something that would reconnect me with my body.
In that one class, I connected so deeply with my body and moved with a freedom like I've never felt before.
I mean, I sucked at dancing and I could barely remember the dance steps. But I felt free.
In that moment, I decided to come back to Bali for a month and took dance classes 3 times a day. My intention was to build a deeper connection with my body and remember the joy of learning (especially something unrelated to my work as a coach).
And so I did. I returned to Bali in May 2024 and stayed for a whole month. I signed up for an unlimited studio package and took up to 12 classes a week.
I attended class after class, and I found myself getting extremely frustrated with myself— "Why is it that others can remember all the moves but I struggle to get the basics right??" "Why do I look so cringe when others look so cool?"
I didn't realise this but— Dancing forced me to confront some of the shame I still harboured around my body image. I used to hate my body as a child, and dancing around people who looked amazing and confident in their body reminded me of how I hated my body back then.
You know the cliche piece of advice: It's about the journey, not the destination? The reason why there's so much truth in that is because every journey you embark on will reveal to you the true inner work that needs to be done.
You embarked on this journey of Owning Your Voice because you want to be a more impactful speaker, yes. But you'll soon realise that the whole point of this is to confront the triggers and fears that will arise in the process, so that you can grow a deeper understanding of who you are. That way, you'll naturally arrive at the destination.
As I continued attending dance classes, I needed to realise that every single person is on their own timeline. They look cool because they committed to dancing through the cringe at the beginning.
That's when I learnt: Don't let someone else's journey distract you from your own.
Owning Your Voice is a process of action and reflection. It's important to focus on your own journey and not get consumed by self-comparison and self-judgement. Work on your craft, and you will see results. Most importantly, learn to enjoy the process of craftsmanship.
Your Intention Determines Your Course of Action
The biggest lesson I've learnt in my dance journey is one that applies in EVERY AREA of life: If you want a certain outcome, you need a certain routine.
When you enter a dance class, you'll find a diverse bunch of students coming in with different intentions.
- Some want (or already are) professional dancers
- Some want to improve as a dancer, but just as a hobby
- Some just want to have fun and vibe, they don't really care about improving
No intention is a bad intention. What's important is you are clear of your intention and you let it determine your course of action.
When I first started dancing, I took 3 classes a day. Now I limit myself to taking 5 classes a week maximum. That's because I know my intention with dance is to continue to build the connection with my body and experience that freedom I've felt from the very beginning. I'm not trying to be a professional dancer. Sticking to 5 classes a week allows me to prioritise my business and personal growth, which is my current priority.
That being said, I do want to improve as a dancer. And so I commit the routine of:
- Setting an intention before every dance class (i.e. I want to improve in xyz skill in this lesson)
- Being fully present in that 1 hour class.
- Taking 15 minutes to review my dance video after so I can note down what to improve on.
There are some students in dance class that literally never improve, haha. They've attended class for months and it still seems like their first class. And that's fine, if they just want to vibe and have fun.
In any area of life— If you wanna come and just have fun, that’s ok too, but don’t expect an unrealistic outcome.
At the end of the day: If you want a certain outcome, you need a certain routine.
What is your desired outcome?
In the Own Your Voice Circle, I guide my coachees to determine their desired outcome. Your desired outcome is a combination of your winning results and bonus results.
In my dance journey, my winning result is: "I feel connected with my body and have fun". My bonus result is: "I become a better dancer".
After every class, I remind myself of my primary intention, which is to feel connected with my body.
Owning Your Voice is drama-free when you are clear of your desired winning and bonus results.
As you embark on your Own Your Voice Journey in 2025, remember the lessons I shared here. If at any point you're unhappy with the state of your unique voice, you ask yourself:
1. What are the standards I'm holding myself to?
2. Am I clear of my desired outcome?
3. Do I have an action plan and a routine that leads me to my desired outcome?
And if you need help with any of these, I'm here for you :)
I've designed 2 power-packed, interactive Masterclasses for you to prepare for the new year. Because I really want to see you shine like you're meant to.
Masterclass 1
Unlock the Power of your Unique Voice in 2025
Start speaking with presence and influence so that you’ll be seen, heard and recognised.
>> 9 Jan 2025, Thursday, 8.30 - 10 PM (SGT)
Masterclass 2
Build a Timeless Brand in 2025
Speak specifically to your ideal audience in an increasingly noisy world & build a future-proof brand that evolves with you.
>> 18 Jan 2025, Saturday, 10 - 11.30 AM (SGT)
Your voice is too unique, your message is too important, to get lost in the crowd. The first step towards evolving into your next level self is this:
- Open yourself to a new perspective
- Commit to taking aligned action (like you've never done before)
I'm going teach you everything you need to speak with impact and show up with influence. You'll build an unforgettable brand in your organisation and/or your industry. Let's make 2025 your year.
I'll see you there! Let the state of your unique voice in 2025 be the reflection of the standards you've committed to today.
xx Rae