Feeling the pressure to be perfect? Here's Why.
Jul 09, 2023 5:43 am
Hey ,
I wanna be really honest with you.
Have you ever questioned your entire identity and self-worth upon meeting failure or a have a sliver of self-doubt? I HAVE.
I don’t know if anyone here has experienced this - but I wanna admit that I still have moments like this.
I've always believed in Ethical Marketing / Social Media usage -- that means when you show your highlights, try to show the behind-the-scenes too.
If you show your amazing wins, share what you needed to do and the struggles you had getting there.
So much of social media (and traditional media) wants to report SENSATIONAL news. The more mind-blowing and shocking, the better.
Together with the creators of the social media algorithm comes the marketing teach we receive -- create a good "HOOK" to attract your audience!
And look, I think having a good hook is important. After all, there's so much noise on social media, we need to stand out to attract the clients/ audience we want.
BUT, what I hope for is an ETHICAL representation of how life is like. If you're someone with influence, make sure you're showing both the good and bad, make sure you're not unintentionally creating an unachievable standard with your curated photos.
In my latest YouTube Video, we're going to CLEAR AWAY THE FACADE OF PERFECTION that social media shows, and get real with the struggles even people you admire go through. Self-comparison exists because we have a warped idea of people's lives and we feel bad about our life.
In this video you'll understand exactly WHY you still struggle with self-comparison and how to truly ELIMINATE nagging self-doubt. This video will show you exactly how you can feel good enough (or maybe you'll realise you already are)
You'll also learn how to activate self-compassion, and inevitably how YOU can create healthier perceptions on social media.
WATCH THE VIDEO HERE and share it, because when you share, you're creating a healthier social media space and a healthier world ✨
I'll love to hear your responses :)
Share with me your thoughts from the video under YouTube Comments, OR share your thoughts on Instagram or LinkedIn and tag me.
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As always, If you want to further elevate your speaking and communication and truly Own Your Voice, you're invited to join the Own Your Voice 6-months coaching program, find out more here, or watch my free masterclass to get a clearer idea on what your immediate focuses should be in terms of owning your voice.
Remember, you have everything it takes to Own Your Voice.