How to Make 2025 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER 🌟🌟🌟

Dec 13, 2024 1:01 pm

Dear ,

I'm calling it —

2025 is the year you’ll be seen for the real value you offer to the world.

If you’ve been working hella hard this year and you’re not where you want to be… I get it. 

For more than two decades of my life I was constantly overlooked and undervalued. I was the hardest worker in the room, and yet – I didn’t get the opportunities I needed to deliver the value I knew I could. 

Today, I’ve worked with clients who are rising leaders, some who are directors, amazing entrepreneurs, I’ve even worked with a billionaire. I get cool opportunities to host for the United Nations, not once, but 3 times in 3 different countries. I even managed to achieve my dream of being Asian Oprah by securing a fully funded partnership to create my own in-person talk show. I’ve attracted everything I wanted and more – amazing clients, collaborators and friends from around the world. 

How did things change a complete 180 in just a matter of years? 

Here’s how: I decided to Own My Voice. 

I stopped following the cookie cutter ‘rules’ to living life. I stopped listening to conventional content creation advice to ‘hook’ and sell people, or forcing myself to batch content like I’m a machine. I stopped acting and speaking like the confident people I admire, and instead, built a relationship with my unique voice– enabling me to show up and speak up with authentic confidence and magnetic presence (many have remarked that this is my superpower).

The 10 years of professional emceeing taught me everything I needed to speak with impact and communicate with influence – everything from shaping my tone of voice to implementing powerful shifts in my expressions and gestures. 

But it is the past 5 years of committing to the inner work that built the rock solid trust I now have with my unique voice, allowing me to radiate confidence and assurance from within. 

When you Own Your Voice, you exude a one-of-a-kind confidence that teaches people how they should treat you. 

I’ve seen it happen for many of my clients. 

  • Monica was the only introvert in an agency full of extroverts. She went from speaking in a meek and uncertain tone, to embracing her unique voice. She has since spoken to an audience of 300+ people, started leading her own team, and earned a personal production award in her first year of business. 
  • AK used to speak like a zombie. He would get single digit or even zero sign-ups for his webinar previews. After owning his voice, he learnt to speak in a way that establishes his authority while forming a connection with his audience. Today, he is seeing double digit sign-ups. His bosses shared that they were very impressed with his transformation. 
  • Jia Hwan used to be so jaded after chasing after social media trends, she saw content creation as a chore. Today, she feels excited to write, share her stories and thoughts on social media as the words now flow naturally from her. She even recruited her ideal team mates through social media!

Owning Your Voice helps you see yourself in a more powerful light, and as you do, others will also see you for who you are– the rising leader doing transformational work in this world. 

2025 is the year we need to Own our Voice. And I've designed 2 power-packed, interactive Masterclasses for you to prepare for the new year. Because I really want to see you shine like you're meant to.


Masterclass 1

Unlock the Power of your Unique Voice in 2025

Start speaking with presence and influence so that you’ll be seen, heard and recognised.

>> 9 Jan 2025, Thursday, 8.30 - 10 PM (SGT)

Masterclass 2

Build a Timeless Brand in 2025

Speak specifically to your ideal audience in an increasingly noisy world & build a future-proof brand that evolves with you.

>> 18 Jan 2025, Saturday, 10 - 11.30 AM (SGT)

Your voice is too unique, your message is too important, to get lost in the crowd. The first step towards evolving into your next level self is this:

  1. Open yourself to a new perspective
  2. Commit to taking aligned action (like you've never done before)

I'm going teach you everything you need to speak with impact and show up with influence. You'll build an unforgettable brand in your organisation and/or your industry. Let's make 2025 your year.

I want more deets!

PS: The first 3 people who sign up (for either, or both masterclasses) will receive a complimentary Oracle Card Pull. I will tap into my intuition and be the vessel to share the message that the Universe has for you in 2025. Here's how you can be the first 3!

Step 1: Sign up now! :)

Step 2: Share your excitement for the masterclass on Instagram or LinkedIn and tag me.

You may use the following templates to help you with your posting:

  • I'm ready to Own My Voice with Rae (tag me) in 2025! I'm excited to (insert your intention or what you look forward to learning in this masterclass)
  • I'm ready to Own My Voice with Rae (tag me) in 2025! One of my top goals is to (insert your top goal for 2025 related to speaking, communication or branding), and I'm looking forward to learn how in Rae's masterclasses!

I want to Own My Voice in 2025!

I'll see you there! Let's wrap up 2024 with gratitude and buckle up for 2025!

xx Rae
