i lost my nail virginity

Nov 03, 2023 10:50 am


SOOOO I did my nails for the FIRST time ever. Yes, 26 years of my life and I have never been to a nail salon.

I was scouting for nail salons in my area, and as per usual was thinking of going to 2 salons to compare prices. But the minute I walked into THIS one, I decided this was it. Why?

"HELLOO! I'm here!"

Since it was a home based salon, the owner Annie was upstairs in her room, and I had to WhatsApp call her to let her know I'm at the door of her shop. The minute she arrives I'm greeted with the friendliest most extra entrance I've witnessed. And you know I love EXTRA.

Her PRESENCE exuded authentic confidence and charisma. She was so HERSELF. Which was instantly alluring.

We walked into her salon and...


Annie's personality and positivity is literally written all over her walls.

She took her time to show me the colours I could choose from, advise me on my nail shape... and when I expressed that I couldn't decide what colour to choose [aka my dramatic self going "ah!!! I can't decideeee"], she dramatically responded "If you don't know what you want, DO WHAT YOU LOVE!" (which btw is a quote actually pasted on her wall, and if you really let that sink in, is a very powerful life philosophy)


She isn't afraid to show up as herself, and obnoxiously so! But beneath the extra-ness is her legit SKILLS when it comes to doing nails. Nails really is her passion and she shows her expertise from the way she advised me and delivered STUNNING nails for me.

Here's how they look:


GORGEOUS RIGHT! I love my barbie nails. They suit my mount-rinjani-tan perfectly. (yes i climbed mount rinjani 1 month ago and tanned SO BAD)

What I've learnt from Annie is the power of being YOU. Knowing who you are and choosing to show up as you. It sounds simple but it is harder than we imagine. Since young we've been taught how to NOT be ourselves. We've been trained to follow the rules and "be good", so much so that we UNLEARN the unique being that we are!

Following the rules will only get you so far. Being YOU helps you stand out to the clients and opportunities that are just MADE FOR YOU.

So here's a fun reflective activity for this weekend: CREATE A USER MANUAL FOR YOU

i.e. Here is RAE's USER MANUAL

*This special human has been created for greatness. She is not meant to follow the rules and colour within the lines. Please note before purchase (hehe lol! make it fun! like a legit user manual)

To activate, be sure to arrange for adequate "do nothing moments". 1 hour a day of mindless couch-potato-ing is a non-negotiable.

To ensure she speaks up with full confidence, please follow this priming routine 30 mins before the presentation:

  • Look in the mirror, speak out her brand presence statement, stand up straight and embody authentic confidence
  • xyz
  • xyz

Here are some questions to help you create your USER MANUAL :)

  1. How do I show up in different contexts? Literally imagine you're a SIMS character, how will you show up and act in different contexts? Disregard everything you think you SHOULD be and lets explore who you TRULY ARE.
  2. What care instructions are necessary to be written for you to best take care of yourself and keep you in tip-top condition? Fill in the blank: For best results, ensure _______
  3. How does "perfect condition" look like? How will we know you're "functioning correctly"? How does that look like? Aka how will you know you're showing up authentically and in alignment? How will you best describe your natural, authentic state?
  4. Who are you "made" for? Who are you NOT "made" for.

These are a couple of questions that will be fun to dive into!

Remember, the best kind of BRANDING is when you OWN who you are - your skillsets, gifts, character, personality, your story, your fears and flaws. Everything.

I'll love to hear your responses :)

I'll love to see what you write in your user manual - share your insights and discoveries on Instagram or LinkedIn and tag me there so I can see it!

Alternatively, drop me a DM on Instagram, or join my Telegram Tribe here!

and as always, If you want to further elevate your speaking and communication and truly Own Your Voice, so you can ALWAYS show up authentically as you, you're invited to join the Own Your Voice 6-months coaching program, find out more here, or watch my free masterclass to get a clearer idea on what your immediate focuses should be in terms of owning your voice.

Remember, you have everything it takes to Own Your Voice.



PS: Here's my favourite Annie quote yet


WAIT NO maybe this one beats it. Haha! :P


Have a lovely Friday, and remember to Own Your Voice because you deserve to and the world deserves your best most authentic self :)
