On Fulfilling Your Destiny...

Sep 06, 2024 10:00 am

Dear ,

I'm just going to say it. Most of our personal problems is a result of not acknowledging or accessing our inner wisdom.

Our inner wisdom is the guidance that comes from within, the connection with our personal truth, that deep knowing that shines through even when others say otherwise.

We don’t realise this, but our inner wisdom is what guides the way we make decisions, interact with people, and design our life. It is that inner compass that tells us what to do.

When we are experiencing fears and doubts, uncertainty or indecision... we tend to forget that there's a solid guiding force within us, soothing us, leading us.


One of the things that creates this inner compass are our experiences. Our experiences teach us lessons which create our beliefs and our life philosophies, guiding our thoughts, words and actions.

Conscious Story Mining (which is the process of diving into the milestone experiences in your life) helps us access the wisdom that lies in our unique experiences.

Each and every one of us also possess body wisdom and intuition. Our emotions is the voice of our soul.


One of my favourite questions to ponder (or debate) over is: do we all have a certain destiny, or do we have complete free will to do whatever we want?

I believe we do have free will (we just need to accept that there are consequences to every action). But even though we do have free will, why do we choose to do some things, and choose NOT to do others? Knowing I have free will to do whatever I want, why not build a million dollar business? Or do whatever it takes to become a famous influencer? Well, it's because... I don't want to (yet). I'm sure we all know the feeling - forcing ourselves to do something because someone else said we should. "It's good for you!" "You should scale your business this way... it's the smart thing to do..!" Yet, no matter how fast we run on initial willpower, the energy runs out. We will always get drained doing something that doesn't light us up.

This is where destiny and free will work together.

Each of us are destined to do certain things, and our personalities, culture, place of birth, all of it has been chosen by us in order to fulfil our destiny. Certain actions we take (or don't take) feel like it's "meant to be" because when we follow our inner wisdom, we are fulfilling our destiny.

Your destiny is a map, but you have the free will it take to follow, deviate from, or ignore it at any time. You have the ability to make unlimited choices. Your free will means you're never a victim of your destiny, only a co-creator. Your soul and your conscious-self make a powerful team. One has a map, the other the ability to take action.

-- Ainslie MacLeod, "The Old Soul's Guidebook"

We are made for great things, tasks unique to our gifts and inclinations. Our destiny is right there in front of you if you know where to look, by which it means being aware of what goals are consistent with your life plan, recognising opportunities when they are presented to you, and using your intuition to make appropriate decisions.



I'm sure you've heard this before. But why? Sometimes I see life like a video game. Each of us have special skills and are meant to use these skills to collaborate with others and fight the big boss monster at the end of it. We have to overcome smaller challenges along the way. But everytime we choose not to tackle it (or fail to tackle it), we have to come back to it again. We're destined for great things, and yet, we have the power to create our destiny - because it is our choice to take any action along the way.


At this point you'll realise - we're all destined for different things. And this is exactly why you might have felt:

  • Out of place in certain rooms, perhaps having dreams that seem "too big or crazy" to your family or friends
  • Stretched and challenged, when you speak up about topics you're convicted in, only to have people disagree or say you're "too much"
  • Puzzled, when you're receiving advice from "more experienced" mentors, who tell you how you should or should not do things... because logically it makes sense to take their advice, but deep down, your intuition is telling you otherwise

Your inner compass is unique to you. What feels right to you could feel wrong to someone else.

When we take the time to grow our voice and strengthen our inner wisdom, we inspire others who are in need of it when they’ve temporarily lost sight of their own.

Each and everyone of us have a personal responsibility to deepen the relationship with our unique voice and strengthen our inner wisdom. Here’s why…

We’re living in a world where anyone with a social media account and decent writing/editing skills can call themselves a thought leader or an expert. I’ve no doubt that many of them are, but consuming content on the internet without checking in with your own inner wisdom is blind faith.

Blind faith is when you give up your autonomy and allow others to decide what’s right and wrong for you.

You may say - Rae, why the heck would I do that?? Never!!

Well, have you ever said or done something you didn’t want to, in order to fit in? Have you ever followed what a mentor or “guru” advised you even though it didn’t feel right to you? We all have at some point.

Every single time you bypass your own inner voice and neglect your inner compass, you are giving up your autonomy and following someone else.

Everytime it comes to your own values and beliefs, you know yourself best. Your inner wisdom will shine through even if you’re not familiar with the technicalities. It’s that little nudge that says “hey, this isn’t authentic you” — and when this happens, lean in to it.

As rising leaders, we want to make sure we write, speak, and create content that teaches people to lean into their inner wisdom. God, have I come across many many "mentors" and "thought leaders" who treat their words as the truth, using their convincing copywriting and storytelling abilities to influence people their advantage (consciously or unconsciously). If you're a leader of any kind, I implore you to observe the way you speak.

The human spirit is one of the most resilient and grittiest on the planet. Allow no one to lead your spirit, because that’s scary AF (not just for you, but for those around you)

Recognise your inner wisdom, let no one taint your connection with it, and cultivate it with love and respect. Lead by example and teach others to do the same.

By the way - remember how I started by saying that most of our personal problems is a result of not acknowledging or accessing our inner wisdom? Most of the world's problems are the result of people in important positions not listening to their inner wisdom. When we heal ourselves, we're doing our part in healing the world.

PSSTTT... a lil upcoming surprise

If you can't already tell, I feel very strongly about everything I've shared here. I'm brewing an upcoming new experience to incorporate the inner work (building a conscious relationship with your voice) and outer work (storytelling, content writing, branding strategy). It'll be a 1 week challenge open to 10 people. I'm planning to run it mid October, and announcements on how to sign up will be up soon!

Stay tuned by:

  1. Staying subscribed to my email list, because you'll be the first to know!
  2. Following me on Instagram! I post everything there ~

I'll be in Europe for a month, follow my adventures on Instagram stories! :)

xx Rae


About Rae:

I help my clients refine their self and social identity through developing a conscious relationship with their voice, then becoming intentional with their energy (thoughts, emotions, state of being) and skilful with their communication (public speaking, networking, marketing, content creation). 

We identify your heart's message and refine your delivery so you can use your voice on any stage with confidence and grace. 

Learn to be 'strategically intuitive' in writing and speaking so you may tap into your unlimited well of creative ideas. The core of my guidance is in leading our thoughts and mastering our intention which inevitably clarifies our unique voice, influencing whoever we interact with. 

I go within for all answers, and teach my clients to do the same. I believe that there is no one right or wrong way to speaking or living life. Instead, we learn to lean into the experiences that are true to us, designing our life and brand in a way that is an authentic expression of our true selves.

To book a discovery call or 1:1 coaching session, click here.
