Why Some People Thrive While Others Stay Stuck

Jan 31, 2025 12:01 pm

Hi ,

I've spent 4 years working with leaders at the top of their game - from corporate managers to creative directors to business leaders.

And in my 4 years running my business, I've spoken to hundreds of people - in networking events, sales calls, to people who attend my workshops or dm me telling me they want to own their voice.

One thing is clear — Anybody can SAY they want change. But only a handful actually grow.

It boils down to this ONE THING that I'll share with you in today's newsletter.

Trust me, I've spoken to people who share with me with utmost passion - the dreams they have, how they want to speak in a way that leaves people inspired and transformed. They want to grow a brand that is authentic, powerful, and potent. They want to feel confident in their own skin and tell stories that captivate their people.

The harsh truth is this — Your passion and excitement tells me everything about your potential, but nothing about your future.

For many of these people, I catch up with them half a year later and they're still exactly where they don't want to be — unsure, tired, hustling, and wondering if things will ever change.

By the way these people could be at the top of their game in their career and business. From the outside, they are the definition of success.

Yet deep down, they don't feel successful — on *their* own terms.

They know how their dream life looks like. They are clear of the kind of "next level identity" they want to evolve into. And their current reality is just... not it.

This one thing I'm going to share with you, is the same thing that helped Marcus gain 500 LinkedIn followers in two weeks.

Marcus is a brilliant entrepreneur with rich perspectives. Afterall, he is a 3x founder (with one acquired in 2024), all before he even graduated uni.

2 weeks ago I met Marcus at a networking event. He came up to me and asked— "Rae, How do I find my niche? How do I position myself?"

I asked him where he is now on his brand building journey.

"I just started 3 weeks ago, I'm sharing stories of my founder's journey."

Maybe you're like Marcus. You've been told your story is inspiring. You know you have valuable perspectives to share.

But you just don't know where to start.

The thing is… even if you're brilliant at your craft, hella experienced in your role, and have been around for a while in your industry… People cannot experience your brilliance if you are unable to communicate your message effectively.

Here's what I shared with Marcus: You just started posting content 3 weeks ago. You job for the next two weeks is to write, create, speak — consistently. Connect with your creative intuition and create.

Only after you do this for minimum two weeks, you'll have data points to analyse. You can review your experience and ask yourself:

  • What topics did I enjoy writing about the most?
  • Which content pieces gained the most engagement? Why so? Are there any similarities?
  • After writing for two weeks, what is that overarching message I feel compelled to champion?

And that is exactly what Marcus did — for two weeks he posted all sorts of content 2-3 times a day.

He gained 500 new followers.

But most importantly, he now has data to analyse — he knows exactly what makes his best performing posts do well. And with this data, he can double down on what works.

The ONE THING, that biggest game changer that allow some to thrive while most of their peers stay stuck is this:

They collapse time between "thinking" and "doing".

You need to get good before you can be great. And getting good requires the reps. Stop getting stuck in "thinking and strategising" mode and get started. Take action. Without action, you have no data or feedback to analyse and create shifts.

Money loves speed. — a quote shared by one of my favourite coaches.

When I take a look at the clients of mine who get the most life changing results, they are the ones who take action, and had the fastest turn around time.

These are the clients who:

  • Went from having an immense fear of judgement and looking down on her own voice → To sharing her story on social media and connecting with her dream clients, on her own podcast, and even at paid speaking opportunities
  • Went from seeing social media as a chore and feeling uninspired trying to mimic other's voice To now feeling excited to write, share her stories and thoughts on social media as her words can now flow naturally. She even recruited her ideal team mates through social media
  • Went from speaking like a zombie and having his boss send him to speaking training To mastering the art of toggling between authoritative and vulnerable connection, maximising the impact of his presentation, increasing sign up rates after his webinar by 10x

When I observed exactly what helped them get these results, I noticed that they are people who:

Trusted me completely the moment they signed up for the Own Your Voice Circle. Once they paid, they were committed. They had 100% skin in the game.

⚡ They respected me as their coach. They were invested in our coach-coachee relationship. Never once did they think "Oh I tried this program for two weeks it doesn't work for me."

In fact, there was once my client Jia Hwan felt disconnected during one of our group coaching sessions. She didn't hesitate to message me and gave me her honest feedback. I made the improvements, and she immediately felt the shift from the next session onwards. Giving up wasn't an option. Just like any other committed relationship, they were communicative. They were willing to give as much as they received.

This is a prime example of self-leadership— and I've come to realise that the most reliable and influential leaders are the ones who fervently lead themselves.

⚡ They respected the community and space in the OYV Circle. Whatever they hope to receive, they gave ten fold.

If they wanted OYV Circle to be an inspiring space where ideas are exchanged, they were willing to take time to hone their ideas and perspectives, so that as they contribute with their voice, they receive the contributions from others too.

If they wanted OYV Circle to be a safe space for them, they were willing to do the work to create safety within themselves, so that they too, can contribute to being a safe space for others (just as others do so for them).

I've so many examples of this - one of them is Crystal who allowed herself to share vulnerably the moment she entered the OYV Circle. Her openness and vulnerability, together with her hunger to learn and own her voice helped her write this phenomenal and moving story.

As you can see... the most successful people who thrive— They collapse time between "thinking" and "doing".

Once they made a decision, they go all in. There's no second guessing or over analysing. And they can do this because they've built enough trust in themselves to make the most out of what they choose.

By the way, I AM an advocate for feeling your emotions, sitting with your thoughts and strategising. But there's a point where you got to be bloody honest with yourself — that you're doing the feeling, sitting and strategising because you are afraid of taking action.

As leaders, we've got to take action, even if it's imperfect or even if you're unsure. You'll never be completely sure.

If you want complete certainty before you take action, go get a job— you'll just have to follow your supervisor's instructions.

But if you're reading this, I know you're a leader in some capacity, whether you're working in corporate or building your business empire.

Leaders are those who envision a world that doesn't currently exist. They want to create change, in their organisation, their business and their community.

Change requires action. Change requires speaking up. Change requires a clear sense of direction and undeniable conviction. All this - when you Own Your Voice.

As you already know, Owning Your Voice isn't just about public speaking tips. It is in being absolutely grounded in your voice, becoming an original thinker and speaking in a way that gets you into rooms and in front of clients you are proud to work with. 

My passion is making sure that after you work with me, you've developed your voice to be your greatest asset in a noisy and AI-dominated world today. 

This is:

✅ Building a deep, trusting relationship with your voice, ensuring your work towards your goals with sustainability and power

✅ Develop clear and consistent messaging that stands out to your people, so that you become the obvious choice for clients you love to work with

✅ Tap into an infinite treasure trove of stories, leaving your audience inspired and deeply connected with you, so much so that your voice stays etched in their mind

✅ Develop original thinking and elegantly speak your truth, becoming a voice worth following in your industry (because you don't simply agree with the "big boys")

✅ Embody your one-of-a-kind magnetic presence — speaking with gravitas and connecting with vulnerability, creating a permanent shift in everyone who crosses your path, virtually or in-person

Owning Your Voice is a high-value skill, and when you master it, you invite in your next level Network, People, and Opportunities, leading to incredible Wealth in all areas of life.

Your voice is your identity. If you're a business owner, entrepreneur, or a corporate leader who wants to build your brand, and this is the year you want to magnify your influence and impact, I invite you into our Own Your Voice Circle — our 6-months coaching program that gives you the best of 1:1 coaching (highly personalised, 1-1 support) and a supportive and inspiring Community of leaders on the same journey of Owning their Voice.


⚡ Learn more about what it means to "Own Your Voice" here: https://raefung.com/about

⚡ Learn more about Coaching here: https://raefung.com/coaching

And once you're ready (remember, don't get stuck in "thinking"), I invite you to book a high-impact 40 mins Discovery Call with Me. The link lies here: https://raefung.com/join-oyv

You'll leave:

💯 Knowing exactly why you feel stuck (even if you've been working very hard)

💯 With a clear idea of the root causes of your fears and problems

💯 Feeling hopeful, convicted, and rejuvenated as you connect deeply with your vision and next level self

💯 A solid action plan with the exact steps you can take (with or without me)

💯 Explore ways I could support you on your Own Your Voice Journey

But make sure you're someone who is willing to do the uncomfortable things in order to step into your next-level identity, and not just hope you can "be more confident".

I work with people who are wise enough to do what's important (not necessarily urgent) in order to bring in exponential growth and fulfilment.

If this sounds like you...

Book a Call with Me

Remember, the most successful people collapse time between "thinking" and "doing".

There will be fears and there will be doubts, but the ones who thrive are the ones who take imperfect action.

It's what you do in the dark that brings you into the light. 


By the way, one of the best practices that has helped me build an even more trusting relationship with my voice is tuning in to my BODY WISDOM.

This has helped me:

  • Make faster (and more aligned) decisions
  • Stay ultra focused, saying "no" to many things so I have the capacity to say "yes" to what feeds my goals and intentions
  • Wake up feeling more energised, clear headed and regulated emotions
  • Cut unhealthy habits (that provide cheap instant dopamine), and instead tune into deeper, more fulfilling wellness habits

One of my trusted sources of all things BODY WISDOM is... none other than https://bodywisdom.sg/

BODY WISDOM will be having 5 exciting and deeply intentional events this Feb for our wellness practice. Having been a loyal customer for many months, I can say that the combination of yin yoga + reiki healing is transformational to your body, mind and soul.

AND... there's a lovely $20 OFF your first class :)

If you'd like to hang out with me and experience BODY WISDOM, drop me a DM on Instagram or reply to this email with your telegram handle, sharing with me which dates you're available and keen to attend.


⚡ ⚡ ⚡

And that's it for this week's newsletter! If any of this impacted you in some way...

  • Share it with a friend! The most powerful integration happens when we share our aha moments with a friend. Research proves that there are cognitive benefits in teaching/ sharing with a friend, it leads to deeper processing and consolidation of information in memory.
  • Share it on social media - having used social media to create and build my brand for 7 years now... Lemme tell you, posting your insights on social media does something in your brain in terms of accountability and action.
  • Let me know - reply to this email! I hope this newsletter becomes a sort of two way communication. I feel really encouraged when I receive responses and feedback from you.

With that, remember there is light in you that the world is waiting to see.

And - It's what you do in the dark that brings you into the light. 

Always in your corner,

xx Rae
