It's Happening TOMORROW!

Feb 16, 2024 9:52 am

Hey ,

The last time I taught my signature masterclass was in 2021. That was the first time I revealed my newly minted Own Your Voice Methodology - which was initially called the R.A.E experience (lol, cringe!)

I don't know if you realise but - R.A.E stands for:

  • R - Rewire Beliefs
  • A - Awaken Your Authentic Self
  • E - Embody Your Unique Voice

It's been 2.5 years now and I've been through many highs and lows including:

  • Entering and leaving a mis-aligned business partnership (the mind drama was real)
  • Going through a long-distance relationship and then healing through the breakup
  • Battles through self-doubt, lots of emotional turmoil and wanting to give up my dreams

Throughout all of this, I've inevitably had to do the challenging inner work, to heal, grow and evolve.

Tomorrow, I'll be teaching my new and evolved signature masterclass - with a whole lot of heart, soul and TRUTH.

What I'll be sharing tomorrow isn't just a masterclass about confidence or speaking. It is a masterclass about LIFE.

We only have one life - how can we ensure we live with integrity and authenticity, and expect nothing less?

No matter what season of life you're in now, as long as you:

  • Want to live a life worth living
  • Want to use your voice to grow your impact

This masterclass is your answer. You'll leave knowing what common pitfalls to avoid, and the exact steps to take. Even if you don't really know what is it you want to focus on this season, you'll leave with clarity of intention.

This is a masterclass you don't want to miss. I'm only going to teach it once.

HOW TO: Build Undeniable Confidence, Speak with Impact, and Create a Timeless Brand.

📅 17 Feb, Saturday, 10AM - 12Noon SGT

This is a FREE Masterclass, you simply have to bring a +1

Please read the signup instructions carefully on the signup page.

Sign up here:

I'm excited for you to receive immense clarity on exactly what you need to do in order to Own Your Voice, however that looks like for you in 2024.

See you there!

xx Rae
