You'll NEVER worry about losing your job after this.
Jan 19, 2024 10:00 am
Hey ,
I hate to be the deliverer of cold hard truth, but I promise, read till the end and you'll realise this is good news.
We're living in a time where simply having adequate skillset and knowledge is no longer enough in this world. Someone else with the same skillsets can be hired in your place, and your knowledge can be Googled and ChatGPT-ed.
But nothing and nobody can replicate:
- your exact point of view — your unique voice influenced by your unique makeup of culture, personality, wisdom from overcoming challenges, etc
- your energy, your presence, your soul
- your unique story that will relate to those who are meant to be in your orbit
In today’s world where everyone has access to an infinite trove of knowledge with a device in the palm of their hands, we are here to convert knowledge into action and action into impact.
The world needs her leaders, her speakers, changemakers — people who are wiling to look beyond what they need and start identifying how they can lead
And it all starts by Owning Your Voice:
1 - Identifying how owning your voice looks like to you in this season of life
This is different for everyone — everyone who joins my Own Your Voice Circle starts off with a different focus. You may ask yourself:
- What is my dream in this season of life? How would a 10/10 perfect life look like for me?
- What is my biggest obstacle(s) that is keeping me from creating this life?
- What is within my control? How do I need to grow?
Most of the time, what you THINK is the obstacle is not the real obstacle, and how you THINK you need to grow is not actually where needs work. What I do in discovery calls with people interested in joining the program is that we identify where the real work lies, so by the time they leave the call, they start working on the right things.
2 - Committing to your focuses with intention and consistency every single day
To increase your chances of success in growth and transformation, you want to put yourself in an environment that creates effortless consistency for you.
Have accountability buddies, join a group coaching container or a community, set up a system. We as humans are built to be comfortable. We tend to stick to habitual patterns instead of creating a new habit or pattern of thinking.
The good news is, it is ALSO our human condition to want to fit in and align with the majority. When you put yourself around people who is also working towards the same goal and are doing the actual work to get there, you’ll feel pressured to fit in (in a good way!) to also do the work.
Of course, it is crucial that you always check in with your unique voice. Don’t do something just because someone else is doing it. Taking time everyday to connect with your unique voice is important.
Owning your voice is the foundation to mastering ANY speaking and communication skill.
Want to be a good leader? — You have to trust your voice and be convicted in what you say in order to inspire, influence and lead
Want to create good content for your business? — You’ll only connect with others to the depth of which you connect with yourself. You can’t possibly understand what your ideal client’s real pains and goals are, if you’re disconnected with yours.
Want to have good relationships? — You’ll need to be willing to have the tough conversations with yourself, before you can have the tough conversations with others. Avoiding tough conversations is the recipe to relationship breakdown and lasting resentment. Good relationships require vulnerability, non-judgement, and acceptance. If you can’t do that for yourself, you can’t do it with others.
At the end of the day, your EDGE as a human being is that you have your humanity in you, you have the ability to connect, to empathise, to inspire, to influence and to love. No machine or AI can take over this role of yours. That makes you irreplaceable.
If 2024 is the year you want to Own Your Voice and unleash the power of your voice, your message, your story - the Own Your Voice Circle is the best place to be.
To get better at anything - speaking, networking, asking questions, require mastery through practice, and practice requires you to take the first step. That’s where most people fail, because they can’t find the safety within themselves to even take that first step.
That’s why in the OYV Coaching Program one of the first thing we start everyone with is 1-2 practices/ habits to hold space for yourself and raise your self-awareness so that you CAN muster up the courage to take the first step towards whatever your goal may be.
- By the end of our first week, you’re going to respond to fear with a lot more peace and poise.
- By the end of our first month, you’re going to speak with much more conviction and confidence
- By the end of the program, you would have built an unbreakable trust with your voice pushing you to speak on any stage
I can't wait to see you in the Own Your Voice Circle :)
I'll love to hear your responses :)
Share with me what stood out to you by taking a snapshot of this email letter, and sharing your thoughts on Instagram or LinkedIn.
Alternatively, drop me a DM on Instagram, or join my Telegram Tribe here!
and as always, If you want to further elevate your speaking and communication and truly Own Your Voice, you're invited to join the Own Your Voice 6-months coaching program, find out more here, or watch my free masterclass to get a clearer idea on what your immediate focuses should be in terms of owning your voice.
You may also purchase my online courses at
Remember, you have everything it takes to Own Your Voice.