Slides + Additional Info!

Jan 07, 2024 2:46 pm

Hey ,

Congratulations on planning your year with ease and flow! I'm so excited to see 2024 bring magic and miracles into your life.

Here are the next steps:

1 | The slides are accessible here through this link, take some time to marinate on what you've reflected and created on :)

2 | Ways to Invest in Yourself

3 | Free Ways to Own Your Voice

4 | Use the video linked HERE to share about your takeaways on social media and tag me on Instagram or LinkedIn! Rave about the session - I'll love for more people to learn how to Own their Voice, and you'll never know who in your audience could benefit from our next event!

ALSO, 1 person who has shared on social media about the event will win a 2-week access to a digital course of your choice! I will announce this on Wednesday :)

Lastly, Stay connected to be the first to know about future events :)

  • Email:
  • Telegram Channel:

And remember, you've light in you that the world is waiting to see. Own Your Voice :)

x Rae
