reminder: you are HUMAN before everything else
Nov 10, 2023 10:01 am
Here are some thoughts I still struggle with from time to time:
“Am I doing enough?” “Should I be going faster?” “Am I wasting my potential??”
“I think this piece of writing is really really good, why are so little people responding to it?”
“Others are doing more than me, am I even ‘qualified’ to call myself an entrepreneur?”
“If I do or say this, will people think less of me or lose respect for me?”
There are times these thoughts enter my mind and I feel ashamed of them. And then there are times I just want to NOT think and be an egg (like literally be a fried egg lying on the floor)
I am sharing this because I want you to know:
- You can be a leader, a coach, a parent, a thought leader, a person of influence and STILL have moments where you feel like shit.
- Being a coach/ mentor/ leader to others does not render you immune to negative thoughts, and it does not take away your right to be human and experience these very human emotions.
What differentiates a rising leader who chooses to own their voice is not the ABSENCE of these negative thoughts and uncomfortable emotions, but rather how they choose to RESPOND to them.
Choosing to:
- Acknowledge these thoughts and emotions instead of avoiding it or continuously shaming themselves for it
- Recognise that sadness, disappointment, shame and guilt are all valid emotions…
- and NOT force themselves to meet an unrealistic expectation of eliminating these thoughts and emotions (or expecting their own leaders/ parents/ mentors/ partner to do the same)
- Hold non-judgmental space for these thoughts and understand that time and space is required to process it
- Anchor themselves on truths and on their vision in order to continue doing work that inspires them, in order to fulfil their commitments to themselves and responsibilities to their clients/ teammates
You are NOT your title. You are NOT the expectations people have of you or those you’ve created for yourself. You are first and foremost a human being and you will experience both the highs and the lows — it’s all part of the human experience.
And if you ever need to be an egg sometimes you totally can - this is me doing it.
Here are some beautiful moments from travelling Korea with my family so far!
It's my first time experience autumn and it's soooo beautiful here in Korea!
If you're having a hard time now, please take some time to do these two things, because trust me, they'll make you feel so much more alive and grateful:
- Being in nature - just being in it's stillness and expansiveness
- Spending time doing nothing with people you love and feel so comfortable being around
Being in nature to me is one of the most stimulating and surreal experiences of God for me.
Simply being in it’s presence makes me feel so deeply connected to something bigger - see, we don’t have to do anything or be anyone to experience it’s magnificence.
Since young, it almost always feels like things have to be earned.
Earn praise and recognition by doing well in school.
Earn status and respect when you’ve gained enough experience and have something to contribute.
Of course, we know this isn’t completely true. We are worthy as we are, and love is shown to us more times that we may remember. After all, our human brain remembers the bad more than good.
But it is in these moments of BEING in nature that I remember the love and kindness I’ve already received many times over. You don't need to earn the peace you can experience when you create stillness and spaciousness for yourself to experience it.
Take a little moment of silence this weekend, it’s free but completely priceless.
I'll love to hear your responses :)
I'll love to hear your thoughts from reading this email and/or the moments of being you'll be planning to create over the weekend! Share your insights, discoveries, and photos on Instagram or LinkedIn and tag me there so I can see it!
Alternatively, drop me a DM on Instagram, or join my Telegram Tribe here!
and as always, If you want to further elevate your speaking and communication and truly Own Your Voice, so you can ALWAYS show up authentically as you, you're invited to join the Own Your Voice 6-months coaching program, find out more here, or watch my free masterclass to get a clearer idea on what your immediate focuses should be in terms of owning your voice.
It’s my birthday month and there are tons of exciting things I’d love for you, my Own Your Voice Tribe, to be a part of.
I've just dropped my BRAND new podcast episode which you can listen to here, and follow my new instagram account here.
I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY where 3 peeps will receive a mystery parcel from me - which includes a specially handpicked brand new book and a letter from me with a message for the season! :) Enter the giveaway here.
25 Nov: Join us at the LAST Own Your Voice Talkshow — come experience this LIVE! I promise you you'll LOVE this one. Get tickets here:
28 Nov: I'm celebrating my actual birthday by sharing a story on the theme “Celebration” — you have my fan discount HERE
I hope to see you there! Let me know which you’d come for and I’ll love to say hi :)
And as always, remember you have everything it takes to Own Your Voice.