Why 2024 is the year to Own Your Voice
Jan 12, 2024 10:00 am
Hey ,
I thought I'll do a lil self-introduction for any new friends here!
I’m Rae, a global speaker, host, and speaking coach. I guide rising leaders to #OwnYourVoice, whether they desire to lead at work or with their businesses.
Owning Your Voice is the decision to live an aligned life and show up with authentic confidence.
I’ve helped my clients go from literally shaking before a presentation, to captivating audiences of hundreds.
Some have gone from having social anxiety to becoming a magnetic networker.
One of the most memorable moments in my work was when I coached a client who was holding back her voice after leaving an abusive marriage, to heal and share her story online, resulting in her attracting aligned clients, meeting her soulmate now husband, and creating the life of her dreams.
Personally, traveling has helped me own my voice by bringing back the adventurous Rae full of childlike wonder. I used to be a massive workaholic - working up to 16 hours a day because I defined my self-worth through how much I work. I always felt like I never worked enough, never achieved enough, and could never be enough.
When I started traveling in June 2022, I experienced the beauty of our human experience like never before. I’ve had unexplainable moments of connection with people I met from around the world. I’ve received incredible inspiration as I lie under the sunset skies and hear the crashing of ocean waves.
Above all, I’ve created the business and life of my dreams – one that fuels my heart with love and gratitude. What I’ve learnt is that our dream life will not be the one we plan to a T. Our dream life unfolds despite self-doubt and uncertainty. Our dream life unravels as we take our first courageous step into the unknown, when we commit to building a consistent relationship with our voice, so that every step we take and decision we make is an aligned one.
Through my story and shared experiences, I hope to inspire you to dream. And when you think you’re done, dream even bigger. Because the world is huge and the possibilities are infinite.
You’ve magic in your thoughts, your voice, your presence. When you create the life and career of your dreams, you inspire others to do the same, and we fill the Universe with more love and joy.
I coach and lead our Own Your Voice Circle with magic and possibility - you may apply to start your 6 months journey with this link :) https://raefung.com/join-oyv
I believe that 2024 is the year for Owning Your Voice. Every time I read the news about what's happening in our world, I am reminded about the critical importance for each and every one of us, as rising leaders, to take ownership of the impact of our voice.
Your voice has impact, whether you like it or not. As long as you go out of your house, your voice, your energy, your presence will have an impact - you just have to choose what kind of impact you want to have - a positive one? an empowering one? It's up to you to decide!
Want to learn more about the Own Your Voice Methodology? Watch my free 40 minute masterclass here for a comprehensive deep-dive, or this 4 minute video here.
Remember, you have light in you that the world is waiting to see, go thrive :)