Move from Forceful Hustle to Living with Ease and Grace
May 09, 2023 10:57 am
Happy Tuesday my friends! 🪐✨
This week's wrap-up Newsletter came a lil bit late, because frankly it's been such a packed weekend for me. It has, however, been the most fabulous weekend with the perfect blend of doing work that fills my soul, deepening human connection, and having FUN! I share more about this in my LinkedIn Post here.
In this week's wrap-up, I wanna talk about hustling. Not just what hustling usually entails (i.e. working long hours and struggling to keep your eyes open), but the unassuming and subconscious ways we "hustle" without even realising it.
For those of you who have been following me on Instagram or YouTube for a while, you’ll know that I’m a recovering workaholic. There was a point in my life where I was forcing myself to work 14 hour days.
Last year, I travelled 22 cities in 6 months. I thought traveling was the answer. I thought being in a relationship was the answer. I was seeking excitement and the feeling of being alive.
All along, the answer was already apparent to me. I just didn’t want to see it. I share more about how I realised what the answer was and the ONE powerful lesson I learnt that changed the way I lived life forever in my latest YouTube video here. I'll also REALLY appreciate if you could Subscribe to my channel!
After watching the video, I invite you to read my latest blog post which includes 5 powerful reflection questions to set things in order if you've been burnt out or just feeling like "there's more to life". Your feelings are trying to communicate to you. Don't ignore it.
Why does this matter?
- For your own mental health and success in life. It’s better to take one step towards the right direction, as opposed to many steps all over the place without knowing where to go. The “right” direction, will feel right only when you listen to your voice.
- The world needs you – your energy, your presence, your voice. Each and every one of us has unique voice waiting to be used to serve the world. Nobody else can talk about the topic you’re passionate about as strongly as you. Whether it’s career, entrepreneurship, climate change, women empowerment, or simply inspiring and empowering people to live their best lives – you have a message instead you waiting to come out to serve.
But – you can’t serve the world when you’re tired, when you no longer have the energy and capacity to serve.
This is why I urge you to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, build a relationship with your voice, so you may use it in a way that not just fulfils you deeply, but also helps the world.
If this post resonated with you, share this on social media and mention me, I’ll love to hear your insights. And share in the comments what your favourite resources around connection are!
Here are some news from around the world that has caught my eye and tugged on my heart.
[You may look at the full list at the bottom of my latest blog post here]
- Leaders, Sharing Your Own Mental Health Story Can Help You Become a Better Ally
- How to make hard choices: Practical tips for when sh*t gets real by Mel Robbins (Hands down one of the most POWERFUL podcast episodes I’ve listened to)
- Biden betrays our generation by greenlighting the Willow Project
- Feel Good Video: Australian tips Balinese service lady 3,000,000 rupiah and look what she instantly does with it
What have you been reading/watching/listening to? Share them with me! Would love to hear from you in my Instagram DMs.
I work with individuals and organisations through speaking, coaching, and conducting workshops around the topics of Speaking, Communication, and Networking. To find out more, check out my website here:
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And with that, I'll see you in next week's Weekly wrap-up, and also on my other social media platforms! Remember, you've a voice waiting to be heard, waiting to make change. #OwnYourVoice
xx, Rae