how to manifest your dreams (the very practical way)

Dec 01, 2023 1:04 pm

HI ,

Did you know that I was once a soft-spoken girl full of self-doubt, that secretly had big dreams but didn't think she could achieve them?


I wanted to be an actress, a singer, wanted to own my own business and live life on my own terms.

But I looked around and realised that the people who "had it all" are those who did well academically or had the looks. I had none of it, so I thought I'd just "settle" for average.

Fast forward to 2023 - I've created my dream business, I've travelled more than I can imagine, and manifested my Asian Oprah dreams by creating my own live talkshow.


How did this all happen? Now, I'm not a woo-woo manifesting expert, but I can share with you the very logical way of manifesting your dreams. A way that just MAKES SENSE and have practical steps towards it happening.

STEP 1: Keep Your Dream Alive.

My dreams have 100% evolved over the years. From wanting to be a Hollywood actress to creating my own talkshow... it has changed. But one thing I made sure of was that I kept my dream alive. Your dreams matter, and your dreams infuse energy into your being. It makes you MAGNETIC.

Have you ever met someone that says all the right things and seems perfectly prim and proper but just... seem kind of "dead" on the inside? That's probably because they've lost their spark and buried their dream. I know how with the hustle culture, it could be easy to feel jaded, but it is by keeping your dream alive that you cultivate that magnetic energy that attracts magic and possibility into your life.

Create space in your schedule. Ask yourself:

  1. What is my dream in this season of my life?
  2. What ignites my soul?
  3. How does my next level self look like and feel like to me?

STEP 2: Meet People Who Are Alive

If your current environment feels zombie-like to you, find events you can go to so that you ca meet new people who are ALIVE! People who have dreams and ambitions. People whom you feel inspired and excited when you speak to them. Trust me, the energy you surround yourself with WILL influence your own energy and presence.

STEP 3: Make Your Dream (and Goals) Known

When you talk about your dreams and goals, you allow people to offer to help you connect with people who can make it happen for you. My talkshow came to live when I shared my idea of a live talkshow to the Director of *SCAPE when I met her at an event. She was intrigued by my idea and immediately introduced me to her Creative Director. After the official proposal process, they liked my idea and we co-created what you see of the Own Your Voice Show today.

Seneca says “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity". If you don't SPEAK about your dream, you won't be ready to pitch it when you meet the right people that can help you make it happen. So SPEAK about it. If you want to aim for management, or start a social enterprise, or build an art business, SPEAK about it. You'll find yourself attracting people into your life that can make it happen for you.

So Rae, what is your dream NOW? My dream is to grow my podcast to become a global phenomenon that combines rich, self-help conversations with humorous and light-hearted mainstream topics. I want to make personal development fun and accessible to people who aren't currently interested in it.

If you'd like to help me make my dream a reality, help me share about my podcast to your friends! I promise you fun conversations you'll love to listen to after a long week at work.

The next episode drops on 6 Dec (Wed) evening. The latest episode can be streamed on Spotify HERE. Follow Own Your Voice on our new Instagram as well!


Remember, your dreams are gifted to you because you HAVE THE ABILITY to make it happen. Keep those dreams alive and you'll manifest your greatest desires and beyond.

x Rae
