27 days with parents... is no joke
Oct 02, 2024 8:09 am
Hi ,
It's been a whole 24 days since I spoke to you here as I've been travelling Europe with my family for the past 2 weeks. And as much as I love my family (I really do), travelling with them for this long is... a lot of mental load.
To be planning the entire itinerary, navigating the transport between 7 different cities, and of course, receiving a greater dose of Asian parenting - i.e. "Don't go out so late la..." or "Why you buy more pants?? How many do you have already??"
But there has been some nice moments. On one of the nights, my family and I played the table talk deck over wine at our Airbnb, and my mom and dad shared about their first date, how they started the family with only XXX amount of money in the bank, together with some stories from our childhood... It was so heartfelt because they’ve never shared stories so emotionally before.
It's been a lovely trip so far and...
We do have some cute moments...
I've been trying really hard to steal myself away for some alone moments to read, write, create, think and journal. One of the common themes that have come up in my reflection is sort of a "career slump". I've hustled so hard in the first few years of my business, went through rounds and rounds of burnout, and achieved many of my goals, and its like... now what?
Like I've shared in an email a few months back, I've been driven by fear and the "automatic hustle culture" for years, motivating me to hit every goal I've wanted, and now... I'm chill. I have zero shred of motivation left in me to pursue externally driven goals. I gravitate towards goals that bring me joy and fulfilment.
It's a difficult shift though. As you know, capitalism has trained us to be driven by pain (as opposed to pleasure). Most of us - hit the gym because we're afraid of looking ugly, hustle at-all-cost because we're afraid of being left behind or being despised by our family/friends, and settle down or get married because we're made to believe that we need to by a certain age. Pain sells. Pain sells because we've allowed ourselves to internalise the pain and let it haunt us. And as for pleasure... just think about the last time you've really taken the time to celebrate yourself? We're conditioned to look past our pleasure.
If we really take a pause to list down the things that truly make us happy... we already have an abundance of it. Think about:
- The peace and conviction you feel when you're in flow as you do your best work — whether it is when you're coaching, mentoring your team, sharing about your product, networking, etc.
- The joy that comes with having a spontaneous conversation with your barista
- The satisfaction you feel when you’ve achieved the goals you’ve set during the day, especially those goals that don’t come easy to you
and even… the peace you feel being still in nature, the joy from playing with your cute pet, the laughter from conversing with your friend in funny memes, there’s an abundance of joy and happiness.
And it is in creating space and permission for us to experience this joy and happiness that we allow ourselves access to an infinite supply of creative flow and inspiration to speak, write, create content, and especially to solve the problems in our life.
So I've been focusing on joy and happiness - observing what lights me up and doubling down on that. And as I did that, what was born as an upcoming course I'll be launching this month, and it's unlike anything I've done before!
I’ll be launching a brand new 1 week challenge — Rising Leaders House Party 🥳 where using your voice feels as fun and effortless as chatting with your best friends (and you’ll learn how to speak and write content in that way)
This is a one-week community course where you get to have me as your personal brand strategist and speaking coach. You’ll learn the 3 most important building blocks to becoming an impactful speaker and captivating content creator, take massive action while having fun being accountable to a cozy group of awesome new friends!
And guess what… all for the price of fancy meal (some meals are more costly than these course, lol)
- being able to write, speak, and post whatever is on your mind without worrying about being ‘too much’
- sharing on social media with joy and lightness, unbothered by your number of views
- feeling convicted and confident every time you step on stage
- people telling you “your content continues to inspire me”, even when you aren’t posting ‘educational content’ and you’re simply showing up as yourself
This is possible, and I’ve created a 1 week challenge to a fun yet rich way to kickstart your journey towards being a confident creator and captivating speaker.
Whether you're an entrepreneur, leader, creator, aspiring thought leader... as long as you KNOW that you want to evolve your voice to be a more impactful speaker and leader, this party has a beanbag for you.
*note: The sign up page was down this morning, and the provider is in the process of troubleshooting. If you are unable to sign up, simply drop me an DM on Instagram at: http://www.instagram.com/raematrix
I’ll drop you info on how to join :)
We have only 10 SPOTS for this party, and I'll encourage you to sign up if you:
- Are a leader, in any capacity — you’re a coach, mentor, teacher, a writer/creator, consider yourself a thought leader, leader in your workplace, and you acknowledge the impact you inevitably have on the people around you.
- Have to use your voice, and want to level up your speaking and communication in an enjoyable and sustainable way
- Are feeling kind of jaded with using social media or the content creation and marketing space
- Value humanity and relationships in the work you do
What you will learn:
Creating Your Inner Home
- Using your voice is an enjoyable process. Having inspiration and conviction flow through you is a feeling that is unmatched. Speaking and creating from any other place other than joy is unsustainable, and I believe we're both in it for the long road ahead. Learn how to create safety within your body such that you'll speak your truth without having to look over your shoulder and worry if anyone will misunderstand.
Connecting with the Artist within
- Ever gotten a writer's block you can't get rid of? How can you instead access an infinite state of inspiration? Yes, it IS possible, and you'll learn exactly how, such that you'll never run out of bloody good content to put out.
Curating your Community
- If you're sick and tired of figuring out your niche or target audience using generic audience profiling exercises, you're going to wanna hear this — There IS your "right person" profile for your brand and business, and I'll guide you to identify who they are so you can actually attract the people you want to hang out with.
Captivate your Audience with Soulful Storytelling
- Everyone is using storytelling as part of their marketing strategy, but honestly, most stories make people go "meh" and they skip next. We're living in a world of shorter and shorter attention spans, and if you want to captivate your right people, you want to tell soulful stories that make them think "How did he/she just read my mind??" Learn how you can connect deeply with your audience and create "hell yes!" moments for them.
You'll be getting this and waaay more in store for you! Are you ready to speak with confidence and create content you're proud of?
*note: The sign up page was down this morning, and the provider is in the process of troubleshooting. If you are unable to sign up, simply drop me an DM on Instagram at: http://www.instagram.com/raematrix
I’ll drop you info on how to join :)
More details:
- You’ll get 3 audio trainings with an accompanying workbook
- 1 session of 1-1 coaching with Rae (worth $150)
- 2x community coaching calls
- Live course dates: 18 - 26 Oct, all calls will be recorded for you and accessible within 1 year of the course dates!
- All this for $100 SGD
Next steps:
- Sign up here: https://raefung.thrivecart.com/rlhouseparty/
- Put 18 Oct - 26 Oct into your calendar. More details will be shared soon..!
- Invite a friend to the party! If you know a fellow leader whom can benefit, share this with them :)
Bonus Live Kickoff Party!
On 18 Oct (Friday) evening I’ll be hosting an intimate gathering over ice-cream at 9.15pm🍦🍨🍧, where we’ll connect and I invite you to ask any questions and share your intentions. It’ll be a cozy mastermind gathering over ice-cream! The last time we had a gathering like this, new connections were formed and people loved it.
The condition to join to either:
- Sign up for the Rising Leaders House Party by then! https://raefung.thrivecart.com/rlhouseparty/
- Join me for my pre-course rejuvenation, I’ll be attending my dear friend and Reiki Master Bella Dai’s session: “Yin Yoga and Crystal Healing” on the same day 18 Oct, 8-9pm. The last time I joined, I felt like I had a 10 hours deep sleep in just an hour session. Here’s more info for the session, and if you’ve any questions do message Bella! https://www.mybodywisdom.online/yin-yoga-therapy-crystal-healing
I can’t wait to have you join us! If you’ve any questions simply respond to this email :)
x Rae