Leader vs Follower Mindset: Which are you?

Dec 20, 2024 12:01 pm

Hey ,

After 10 years of earning money with my voice and 4 years coaching rising leaders (managers, directors, even a billionaire) to speak with impact in order to make more money... These are 3 observations I've made about the most successful leaders:

For these leaders...

1/ Making money today is not the main goal. True wealth is in the peace they create for themselves when they anchor on a long term vision.

Here's the thing about leaders - they work smart today to create their ideal outcome of the future.

Followers/Employees simply do what is urgent NOW, and are constantly scrambling to keep up.

Rising leaders have foresight. They have long term vision. So at every point, they're already prepared, because their past self worked hard for the fruits they harvest in the present.

Here's an example:

Employee mentality:

I am not getting enough clients, oh no! What can I do to get clients now? I need money...! Let me take on any client I can get.

Rising Leader mentality:

I am not getting enough clients I want now, so what can I do to create strong foundations in order to attract a consistent flow of ideal clients?

  • I will ensure I have a clear vision of the kind of business I want.
  • For me to run the business I want, what kind of person must I be? What mindset do I need to embody?
  • I want to attract, not chase. How can I do the inner work consistently to ensure I hold beliefs that serve me?
  • I need to be clear of the type of client I want, so I attract only those clients, and I'm able to align my marketing language to appeal to such a client.
  • I need to set up systems today to prepare myself for the influx of clients in the near future. I don't want to take on more than I can handle and result in low quality service.
  • What is the brand I must create? How can I create it?
  • What are the partnerships and collaborations I want to form?

Because the Rising Leader thinks for the future, they are willing to say "no" to certain clients and opportunities even if it brings them money today. They are at peace when they meet failures and rejections, because they know they are in it for the long haul. They know that short term failures do not determine their long term results.

2/ They prioritise building and embodying their brand. They know that the greatest real estate they own is at the corner of their audience's mind.

Rising leaders see brand building and relationship building as their current-day priority. They understand the power of connections. They know that when they establish a powerful brand, build strong relationships with clients and collaborators, that people will naturally market them.

Employees/Followers are focused on working hard. They think "I have to work harder to earn more". They are the kind of people that feel like they can never do enough.

Here's the thing if you want to think like a leader - you do what is needed today to create a future you want. Building a brand takes time. It literally takes time for people to learn who you are, build an accurate impression of you, and be in relationship with you.

Employees work hard. Rising leaders work smart.

3/ They are more than willing to invest in themselves. Time, energy, mindspace, and/or money. They believe in themselves enough to bet on themselves.

Followers rarely have foresight. They think spending time, energy, or money on rest and learning is a waste. They cannot see the ROI, because they don't believe in themselves enough to invest in what they need.

Rising Leaders know their value. They invest in themselves so they can work even smarter and grow their impact with ease and flow, create freedom and peace for themselves.

Which are you? A Rising Leader or a Follower?

Whatever your answer is, you can choose differently, or commit even more powerfully in 2025.

The decisions you make today will create your reality for tomorrow.

Owning Your Voice helps you see yourself in a more powerful light, and as you do, others will also see you for who you are– the rising leader doing transformational work in this world. 

2025 is the year we need to Own our Voice. And I've designed 2 power-packed, interactive Masterclasses for you to prepare for the new year. Because I really want to see you shine like you're meant to.


Masterclass 1

Unlock the Power of your Unique Voice in 2025

Start speaking with presence and influence so that you’ll be seen, heard and recognised.

>> 9 Jan 2025, Thursday, 8.30 - 10 PM (SGT)

Masterclass 2

Build a Timeless Brand in 2025

Speak specifically to your ideal audience in an increasingly noisy world & build a future-proof brand that evolves with you.

>> 18 Jan 2025, Saturday, 10 - 11.30 AM (SGT)

Your voice is too unique, your message is too important, to get lost in the crowd. The first step towards evolving into your next level self is this:

  1. Open yourself to a new perspective
  2. Commit to taking aligned action (like you've never done before)

I'm going teach you everything you need to speak with impact and show up with influence. You'll build an unforgettable brand in your organisation and/or your industry. Let's make 2025 your year.

I want more deets!

PS: Sign up before 22 Dec (Sunday) to receive a special BONUS: a complimentary Oracle Card Pull. I will tap into my intuition and be the vessel to share the message that the Universe has for you in 2025. Here's how you receive this bonus:

Step 1: Sign up now! :)

Step 2: Share your excitement for the masterclass on Instagram or LinkedIn and tag me.

You may use the following templates to help you with your posting:

  • I'm ready to Own My Voice with Rae (tag me) in 2025! I'm excited to (insert your intention or what you look forward to learning in this masterclass)
  • I'm ready to Own My Voice with Rae (tag me) in 2025! One of my top goals is to (insert your top goal for 2025 related to speaking, communication or branding), and I'm looking forward to learn how in Rae's masterclasses!

I want to Own My Voice in 2025!

I'll see you there! Let's wrap up 2024 with gratitude and buckle up for 2025!

xx Rae
