lack confidence sometimes? try this

Oct 04, 2024 9:55 am

Hey ,

Here's how I deal with the days I lack confidence.

First, I lie in bed and think of a million and one ways that I could live on a remote island and have no one know who I am.

Then I let all my dark, shameful thoughts flood through... observing from a distance as I witness my inner critic throw punches at me in an imaginary wrestling match. Thoughts of comparison, my goals-of-the-past echoing against the caves of my mind, thinking "rae you need to get your shit together". I let it all flow, and I observe these thoughts, knowing that they aren't me, and exist because I'm a regular human being.

Then I type loooonggg reflective messages to my few close friends and read their wise, heartfelt responses till I don't feel like I'm a loser who hasn't achieved anything in life.

Sometimes I whine to my parents (jokingly) that I want to be a child again... because let's be honest, sometimes it feels like we should celebrate ourselves for simply hanging on, in a society where we're constantly (and unconsciously) being told that we're not good enough unless be get this or achieve that.

What I'm saying is: I am NOT some kind of model of unshakeable confidence

I do feel insecure, my confidence does get shaken and I have anxiety when things feel out of my control. And if I can stretch the way I use my voice with boldness and represent my message on social media... you can too.

Whatever it is you've been feeling called to do, be it - building your brand on social media, growing your confidence to use your voice, marketing and pitching your service, you CAN do it.

Here are some things I do that help, and I've had a lot of practice:

1) Remind yourself that you have a unique journey, with a set of unique challenges and uniquely chosen opportunities and possibilities - just for you

You're only as wise as your lived experience. But God has infinite wisdom and plans that we cannot even register in our human minds. You're not meant to be him or her, or be anyone other than you. You determine what success is to you, what happiness is to you.

Want to use your voice on social media? Why worry about the number of likes and shares when numbers don’t give you lasting happiness?

Want to use social media to market yourself in order to attract more coaching clients? Who knows - maybe your social media is meant to bring you podcast interviews and brand deals. Maybe deep down, these bring you joy. Maybe these are indirect ways to grow your brand (and is the way that feels the most effortless to you)?

Your voice is unique, your perspective is unique, your story is unique, your message as you lead will be unique.

No one can do what you do and say what you say, in your way.

Know this. Feel this. Remember this.

2) Know that using your voice, putting your message out there, isn't about how many people hear it. It is about how you feel about it. How you enjoy every moment of it.

Your joy is a priority. And trust me, when you are truly happy doing what you do, people will feel it too.

I’ve been in Spain for close to a week now and there are many street performers that line the crowded tourist spots.

In Seville, we chanced upon a flamenco dancer preparing her stage. A significant crowd already formed at that time. She picked up her colourful scarf, scooped up her ruffles-adorned skirt and walked one round across the audience saying “please support after ah…” and gave the sharpest stare. And then she danced. She was okay, not to bad. Everyone clapped after, before she promptly picked up her tips basket and walked around. She looked angrier by the minute when any audience member doesn’t throw her a coin. When it came to me, I threw in my spare change. She walked a few steps before looking back and gave me the biggest glare… as if she was saying “you didn’t give more??”

On another occasion, in Malaga, we chanced upon a lady dressed up like an adventure and painted to be like steel. She stood rock solid and did not move, until a coin was dropped in her tin, and she would say “hola!” very enthusiastically.

I think you can tell who likes their job more.


If you’re speaking/ showing up hoping to get an enthusiastic response and only feeling happy if you do, using your voice is going to be a dreadful process.

If the process of using your voice itself brings you joy and fulfilment, then you’ll enjoy it no matter what, and when you’re having fun, the people around you have fun. Take this newsletter for example - I love writing it because it’s my own opportunity to reflect, and I find a beautiful state of flow when I write. And when I enjoy myself, my audience enjoys my work — I have a 60% average open rate, and regularly receive email responses from some of you sharing your thoughts with me after reading 🫶🏻

Do whatever you do FOR YOU. You don’t need to inspire, you don’t need to help others. It is when you heal and inspire yourself, that you’ll automatically heal and inspire those around you.

And I also want to tell you this:

You are worth it. You are a one-in-eight billion spiritual being in a human body that has a unique perspective and voice.

You’re worth launching your personal brand.

You’re worth getting invited to speak in that global conference.

You’re worth an audience of hundreds and thousands and whatever it is you dream of.

Your thoughts and beliefs are worth speaking up for.

Your work is worth it. Your message is worth it. What God has planted inside you is worth it.

And the fears you have inside you is simply a reflection of how much you care about what you have to say…

NOT a life sentence dooming you to smallness.

You can #OwnYourVoice, and I want to show you how.

For the first time ever, I’m hosting a 1-week challenge, Rising Leaders House Party 🎉

Here, using your voice feels as fun and effortless as chatting with your best friends (and you’ll learn how to speak and write content in that way)

You’ll get to have me as your personal brand strategist and speaking coach. You’ll learn the 3 most important building blocks to becoming an impactful speaker and captivating content creator, take massive action while having fun being accountable to a cozy group of awesome new friends!

And guess what… all for the price of fancy meal (some meals are more costly than these course, lol)

Join us from 18 Oct - 26 Oct?

Sounds AWESOME, Count me in!

Have more questions?

How is this different from your Own Your Voice Circle (6-months program)? If I've joined the OYV Circle before, will this be suitable for me?

The Rising Leaders House Party is designed to be a kickstart for leaders to learn and practice the foundations of owning your voice before continuing the journey in the OYV Circle. The 3 lessons in this course may have been taught (either directly or indirectly) during OYV Circle sessions and may sound familiar to you.

That being said, the material taught in this course have all been created in the past few months so they could be new to you. If you've joined the OYV Circle before, I'll recommend you to join this course if whatever you've read on this page feels like a priority to you in this season of life.

If you're thinking: "hell yes I want to grow in this area, feel more convicted as a thought leader, and have a one week intensive to practice using my voice" then this course is for you! The principles in the lessons may land differently for you with the season of life you're in.

If you are currently in the OYV Circle, you'll receive access to this course in your training portal. More details will be announced. Please do not purchase separately!

If you are a OYV Circle Graduate, you have 50% off. You'll get access to this course and the group coaching sessions, without the 1-1 coaching session. Message Rae if you're keen to join. If you'd like to have the 1-1 coaching session as well, please proceed to purchase at the full price!

*more details and FAQs at the end of this page!

More details:

  • You’ll get 3 audio trainings with an accompanying workbook
  • 1 session of 1-1 coaching with Rae (worth $150)
  • 2x community coaching calls 
  • Live course dates: 18 - 26 Oct, all calls will be recorded for you and accessible within 1 year of the course dates!
  • All this for $100 SGD

Next steps:

  1. Sign up here:
  2. Put 18 Oct - 26 Oct into your calendar. More details will be shared soon..!
  3. Invite a friend to the party! If you know a fellow leader whom can benefit, share this with them :)

Bonus Live Kickoff Party!

On 18 Oct (Friday) evening I’ll be hosting an intimate gathering over ice-cream at 9.15pm🍦🍨🍧, where we’ll connect and I invite you to ask any questions and share your intentions. It’ll be a cozy mastermind gathering over ice-cream! The last time we had a gathering like this, new connections were formed and people loved it.




xx Rae
