free storytelling worksheet!
Mar 09, 2024 10:00 am
Hey ,
Surprise email! As we look forward to my upcoming collab workshop: Unravel the Story of You... here's a free storytelling guide to get you started!
✨📣 Do you wanna:
✔️ Build Trust with your Ideal Audience and Increase your Closing Rate?
✔️ Be the Top-of-Mind in your Boss' mind and be loved by all your colleagues?
✔️ Or simply make your LinkedIn profile Stand Out?
🙌🏻 If you said YES, then Tell your Story.
✨ When you share your story, you start to see that you have strengths and experiences no one else has, which is the best kind of Personal Branding out there.
✅ Here I provide you an easy template to start building your personal story bank which you can use at Networking events, on your LinkedIn profile, or to create unique Social Media Content!
(fyi - I also wrote a sweet personal message on the first page for you! 💖)
✍🏻 DM me on Instagram if you've any questions!
You may use the google doc version if you prefer. Kindly *DUPLICATE* this doc for your personal use.
During the workshop on 23 March, we'll dive so much deeper into the spiritual AND practical aspects of Owning Your Story. You'll learn how to break free from your limiting beliefs, together with more practical ways to use your story to elevate the effectiveness and impact of your communication, especially in networking, personal branding, and speaking.
For more details and to sign up, click here!
Enjoy your weekend!
x Rae