Global Excellence Gateway Certification (Level 1)

We are excited to introduce the Level 1 Global Excellence Gateway Certification, a comprehensive certification program designed to set you on a path towards achieving global standards of excellence in quality management. This certification marks the...

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Apr 20, 2024
Roadmap to Mastering Quality Management

Welcome to our guide that helps you choose the right path for learning quality management, from the very beginning all the way to becoming a master. This document is here to guide you through each step of your learning journey. We’ve organized our co...

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Apr 13, 2024
Descriptive Statistics Cheat Sheet

Types of Data Nominal: Categorical data without an inherent order. Ordinal: Categorical data with a defined order but not evenly spaced. Interval: Numerical data with equal intervals but no true zero. Ratio: Numerical data with equal intervals and a...

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Apr 09, 2024
ISO 9001:2015 Cheat Sheet

1. Scope Defines the purpose and applicability of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, ensuring organizations understand how to apply it to their context to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. 2. Normativ...

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Apr 09, 2024
How to Write a Non-Conformity?

In quality management, effectively identifying and documenting nonconformities is pivotal for fostering continuous improvement and upholding the standards of a management system. This blog post aims to guide you through the nuances of writing clear,...

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Apr 07, 2024
Healthcare Quality Management

Quality management in healthcare is pivotal to delivering safe, effective, and patient-centered care. It encompasses a broad range of practices and methodologies aimed at improving patient outcomes, enhancing service delivery, and ensuring the best u...

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Mar 28, 2024
Cpk vs Ppk

 In quality control and Six Sigma Cpk and Ppk indices are pivotal for determining how well a process can produce output within specified limits. However, there's often confusion surrounding their differences and appropriate application contexts. This...

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Mar 24, 2024
Lean Management Cheatsheet

Download Lean Management Cheatsheet pdf Version Lean Management Overview Lean Management is a continuous improvement methodology focusing on eliminating waste and improving efficiency and quality in processes. 5 Principles of Lean Value: Define value...

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Mar 23, 2024