How to use Feng Shui crystals? What are the different types of crystals and how to recharge them? Check out our YouTube video on Picturehealer channel.
The stick method is the original way of I-ching fortune-telling. Now, most people use coins, or even online apps to come up with a hexagram (Kua) number.
In very ancient China, the turtle shell is used for divination to predict the future. Now, many fortune-tellers like to use the turtle shell as part of the divination tool.
I-Ching, the book of changes, is one of the oldest fortune telling books. It is a philosophy book and a divination reference. Watch our latest video on PictureHealer YouTube channel.
If you have a religious altar, it is a good idea to offer food, flowers, sweets, and tea regularly. Many traditional Chinese families provide offering on the 1st and 15th of each lunar month, and avoid meat for those 2 days.
When moving to a new house, it is a good idea to use the stove and cook on the first day. Also, turn on all appliances (just for a little while) in the house as a symbol of getting your Qi going. More at #fengshuilifestyle #fengshui #fengshuitips #fengshuidesign #housemoving #housewarming #housewarmingparty #naturalliving #organicliving #holistic #abmlifeisbeautiful #picturehealer #qi #spaceclearing #moving #simplelife #spiritual #zen #
Before moving into a new home, you can do a space cleanse with a smudge stick or any dried herbs. Incense is also a good choice to purify the energy of the room.
Use salt, rice, or mix of both to sprinkle on the floor and every corner before you move in as a space cleanse ritual. Clean up after a few days. It is a simple way to prepare your new space. #ritual #naturalliving #fengshuilifestyle #fengshui #fengshuitips @ #organicliving #holi #holistic #picturehealer #abmlifeisbeautiful #salt #ritual #moving #housemove #housemoving #healing #fengshuidesign #
What are some common feng shui tips and rituals you can apply when moving to a new house? Select a lucky date to move in, cleanse the space with herbs and incense, bringing in lucky items, and decorate with bright colors. More at our YouTube channel: Picturehealer
March 2021 feng shui chart analysis on our blog: The best direction this month is West. Clean up the area, open up windows and doors here to bringing in lucky energy. Mental well-being is a big concern this month. Manage your stress, anxiety, and focus on the bright side of the future. #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #fengshuitips #fengshuidesign #naturalliving #simplelife #simplify #holisticlifestyle #holisticliving #holistic #wellness #wellnessjourney #wellnesswarrior #declutter #
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