The 14 common exterior Feng Shui issues and solutions, including the T-junction, cellphone tower, chimney, water tower, and so on. Watch our youtube video: PictureHealer channel.
One common feng shui issue is to see your kitchen stove from the main entrance. You can add screen, curtain, or furniture to block the view, or add natural crystals to raise the energy.
May 2021 monthly Feng Shui chart analysis and suggestions. More at our blog: or YouTube: PictureHealer channel.
Find suggested Feng Shui cures and enhancers for May 2021. Visit out blog at
May 2021 monthly Feng Shui chart analysis is out on YouTube channel: Picturehealer. The center monthly star is 2, the illness star. However, there are a lot of opportunities for business and wealth, and intelligence luck in May. #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #fengshuiliving #fengshuitips #flyingstar #forecast #prediction #divination #fortunetelling #metaphysical #holistic #holistichome #holisticliving #fengshuicure #zen #
When a water faucet is directly facing a stove in a kitchen, it is Water and Fire element conflict. The remedy is to add a Wood element for balance. It can be a plant, anything green, or made of Wood. Or add a Hulu to absorb negative Qi. #fengshui #fengshuitips #fengshuicure #mindbody #holisticliving #holistichome #mindful #awakening #
If the floor is uneven, it can mean obstacles in your life. You can add a red carpet with 36 coins taped under to bring stronger Qi and balance to your life.
If your bedroom is above a garage or above empty space, you can set up one crystal in each corner of your room to enhance the energy and support.
Avoid sitting or sleeping under a big ceiling beam. It gives a sense of oppression/stress and might affect your mental health in the long run. You can add Hulu (gourd), crystal, Qi Lin statue, or the 5-emperors coins for protection and raising energy. #fengshuidesign #fengshui #fengshuiliving #fengshuilifestyle #mindbodyandsoul #mindbodyspirit #
14 common feng shui issues and solutions. More on our blog: YouTube: PictureHealer channel.
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