End of Year Wisdom through Reflection
Dec 27, 2022 3:22 pm
Dear friends,
Life is a series of cycles. Every day, every season, every year we move through a natural arc of light and dark, expansion and contraction, joy and sorrow. When we take time to step back and reflect, we grow wiser.
Wise reflection contemplates a theme or question by integrating silence and thought. This kind of contemplative practice enriches me, highlighting meanings that I might otherwise overlook.
To begin, shift your attention to a wide, soft focus. Many things help me make this shift and gain perspective: spending time outdoors, talking with a friend, looking through old photos or letters, exercise, and of course meditating.
Notice how you feel overall. What’s the overall tone of your experience? Now, with some perspective, gently pose a question:
- What have I learned this year?
- What am I still carrying that I’m ready to put down?
- Who has helped me that I can appreciate?
- How can I best contribute?
Ask a question and listen quietly to thoughts, images, feelings. When your attention drifts, gently return to your body or breathing, then pose the question again. The aim is not to arrive immediately at a discrete answer, but to explore what arises with curiosity. As you sustain this sensitive listening, a theme or meaning may emerge.
For me, there’s a lot to reflect on this year both personally and collectively. Here are some of the themes I'm contemplating:
- Every choice I make takes precious time and life energy.
- Clear priorities help me to let go of old habits and be there for others.
- Life feels more manageable and profound one moment at a time.
- Meaningful change requires focus, perseverance, and collaboration.
- Community and friendship are priceless.
As the year draws to a close, I wonder how your heart is? What do you hear when you step back and reflect?
With warm wishes for the New Year,
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