What can heal this exhaustion?

Jan 10, 2021 8:01 pm


If you're still reeling from the events of the last week, rest assured: you're not alone. After such a stressful year, the events in the U.S. capitol pushed many of us over our limit, reflecting the deep divisions in society and the glaring realities of white privilege.

Many of the people I've been talking to are exhausted. From the pandemic to continued racial injustice, from the ecological crisis to the political one, it's natural to feel worn out, to be down – right – bone – tired.

There's a deep need for healing and renewal.

These days one hears a lot about resilience and developing resources. This is certainly important, yet in situations like these I've seen how otherwise healthy activities (like meditation or exercise) can become another avoidance of how we feel, another thing to paper over and push beyond our limits.

When the exhaustion is this deep, when the stressors are ongoing, repeated and chronic, sometimes the wisest thing to do is...nothing.

What would it be like to allow yourself to stop and rest? To surrender, even for a little while, to the tiredness?

Lie down. Rest your body on the earth. Feel how you are literally held and supported by this vast, generous, breathing planet.

Every year, in winter, the earth teaches us to rest. She grows quiet and still, showing us the value of stopping, of allowing our lives to be fallow for a time.

And each year, in the spring, new life emerges from the soil.

There is no action without rest, no healing and renewal without stopping. When I am tired beyond words, I try to allow myself to surrender to that feeling. Sometimes it feels as if I'll never get up again, that if I let go the energy will never return.

Without fail, when I open my heart to the heavy weight of exhaustion, there is a tenderness that comes to hold it all. It seeps to the surface like ground water welling up, bringing a gentle, steady love to hold the weariness and anger, the hurt and the grief.

Our world is calling for healing and change. It needs people who can listen, people who can stand up and articulate—with courage and love—the vision of a society rooted in dignity, healing and opportunity for all.

So I offer this invitation to each of us: take time to rest. Unplug. Do nothing. Let the earth hold you with tenderness for as long as you need.



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