60 + Pain = No Gains

Remember the old saying, “No pain, no gain?” It was a really bad idea.Exercise should never cause harm or unnecessary pain.And you should feel better after your training session … not like you just got hit by a truck. Now, this is not to say you...

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May 22, 2024
I’m over 60. What’s my Core going to do for me?

Lately I have been hearing this from my more mature clients. “Ben I just had my yearly checkup and my DR. told me to cut out carbs and to work my core more, so I guess I need to do more planks and not eat bread. (let’s keep carb cutting for a later d...

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May 15, 2024
What’s The Core For?

Hi , Everyone wants to work on their core. Most of us do it for the wrong reasons.Would it be cool to have a washboard stomach and a six-pack? Sure … but if you want that, you probably need to overhaul your nutrition instead of doing 1,000 situps a d...

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May 02, 2024