Health Audit!! At my age I am lucky I can get out of bed!

May 30, 2024 11:01 am

To become as healthy as you want to be, it’s important to establish a baseline of how healthy you are today.

An annual check-up with a full blood panel is something you should certainly do at least once a year. Additionally, reviewing your bloodwork with your doctor is crucial to fully understand any issues and to develop a plan to improve your overall health markers.

Improving your health and overall fitness can also be achieved in other areas of your life by performing a simple task known as a Health Audit.

At Heart & Pride Fitness, we utilize eight straightforward categories for the Health Audit. You simply rate yourself from 1-5 in each category, with 5 meaning "I'm crushing it" and 1 indicating "I'm terrible at this."

The categories are:

Exercise: 1-5 _____ (Standard example: 2 weight training sessions and 150 minutes of steady-state cardio per week)

Nutrition: 1-5 ____ (Standard example: Balanced meals with lean protein, vegetables, fruits, and complex carbohydrates)

Sleep: 1-5 _____ (Standard example: 7-8 hours of high-quality sleep 5 to 6 nights a week)

Hydration: 1-5 ____ (Standard example: Drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily and replenishing electrolytes)

Flexibility: 1-5 ___ (Standard example: Ability to touch toes upon waking up)

Mobility: 1-5 ___ (Standard example: Ease of getting out of bed in the morning)

Balance: 1-5 ___ (Standard example: Standing on either leg for 30 seconds with ease)

Stress Relief/Self Care: 1-5 ___ (Standard example: Regularly engaging in activities like saunas, golf, or nail care)

By scoring yourself in each category, you can easily pinpoint the areas that need the most improvement and begin to enhance them.

This approach is more effective than trying to improve all areas simultaneously.

If you're ready to begin or restart your fitness journey and need assistance, simply copy and paste the eight items above and assign a score to each one and and send it back to me.

Whatever you’re struggling with, chances are I have a resource that’ll help you improve.

Resilience one lift at a time.


P.S. If you're prepared to embark on your weight training journey and wish to enhance your health and fitness, and are 65 or older, here's how I can assist. I am seeking 5 individuals to pilot my new weight training program tailored to help improve balance, boost bone density, and rebuild muscle. If this interests you, then the Early Bird Special is tailored for you. Reply to this email, and I will provide you with all the details.
