“10 Years Later” Edition

Nov 16, 2023 1:31 pm

Howdy amigos - this email is about getting through rejection…


📋 First 10 years of my career


First 10 years of my career:

  • Rejected by Microsoft and Google (twice!)
  • Fired by both Facebook and Mint.com after less than a year 
  • Built 10+ startups that didn’t work out

Finally, I started AppSumo 🙏 and have been growing that ever since. 🚀

It takes time…YEARS…to figure out your career. 

Don’t get discouraged. Enjoy the journey. You’ll look back and realize how far you’ve made it

🧠 Learned Optimism


It’s tough to go through failure and rejection. And so easy to feel like a victim.

I wish I read Learned Optimism years ago to realize that optimism can be a LEARNED mental state that you can train yourself on. You have the power to make it better. 

Glass-half-empty people…this book is especially for you. 👀

🩴 Birkenstocks vs Crocs


Birkenstock sandals are supposed to be comfortable. Don’t believe the hype. They were so painful. 

Turns out I’m a Crocs guy. 🐊 I found these sandals to be WAY better. And easier on the wallet. 💵

Be Epic, 

Noah Kagan

P.S. My company AppSumo is having our annual insane Black Friday Sale. Check out early access here.
