Noah’s Nuggets - “Lost Chapter” Edition

Aug 17, 2023 12:31 pm

Howdy friend, here's 3 fun nuggets to make your week even better…

📗 The Lost Chapter


I’ve been working on my book Million Dollar Weekend... Looking through my notes, I found a "lost chapter" that isn’t in the final copy...

It reveals things like:

  • How Justin Welsh created complementary products to generate $340,000 in income (in under 3 years)
  • Why recurring revenue isn’t for everyone
  • Pricing experiments I did at AppSumo to discover an optimized pricing strategy and maximize profit
  • Why I personally write to every customer of AppSumo

It's not online, on Amazon, or anywhere else. 

The few I've shared it with print it out and keep it as part of their playbooks.

It's only for people on my list, like you.


Here's the "lost chapter" - download it for Free.

💲It’s Plus Day!!


We’re trying out a cool new promo on AppSumo right now, called Plus Day. Idea is rewarding Plus members who’ve been with us the longest. Longer you’ve been a member = bigger discount.

If you’re already an AppSumo Plus member — go enjoy Plus Day.

If you’re not yet, today’s a great day to get some free credit by joining AppSumo Plus and finding out.

📚 The PARA Method


My buddy Tiago Forte’s newest book JUST launched.

The PARA Method helps anyone organize their digital life (already got my copy bc I know I need that!!)

I was SO interested how he writes bestselling books (his 1st, Building A Second Brain, sold over 100k copies) so chatted with him 1-on-1 and am sharing the conversation with you on the podcast. Listen now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

If you want his latest book, you can grab it here.

Be Epic,

Noah Kagan

P.S. Everytime I use someone else’s booking system I’m reminded why we built TidyCal 🙂 It’s so much simpler which means WAY easier for people to book in / pay you for your time. Get TidyCal here (just $29 for life). Has auto-import from Calendy, group scheduling feature, auto-availability with people and more…
