Million Dollar Weekend crossed 100,000 sales!! (LIMITED TIME SALE)

Jul 11, 2024 12:31 pm

Last week, Million Dollar Weekend crossed 100,000 sales (!!)

To celebrate, the e-book version is on SALE for $1.99 at all retailers (US only)

Sale ends June 14th (in 3 days!!) so if you were thinking of gifting or sharing with a friend, now is the time! 💚🤗


Ok, now onto this week’s email 🤝


I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the marketing strategies I use to promote the book.

In a previous podcast, I broke down the launch of Million Dollar Weekend (Spotify - iTunes).

Today, I want to break down the 3-part system I’m using to continue 24/7 marketing my book after launch.

1- Exposure - Create value directly on other platforms to grow audience

2- Collection - Turn that audience into your email list

3- Nurture - Automatically nurture them into buyers with a welcome sequence


Note: This system can be used in MANY businesses, not just if you’re promoting a book.

Part 1: Exposure System

Where are your customers?

Mine are on Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

Most people think marketing is about spraying your content in as many places as possible. But each platform has its own best practices and preferences. Just cause you’re good at basketball doesn’t mean you’re a great soccer player. Tailor AND focus your content!

When Charles Duhigg asked for feedback on his marketing, I noticed his Twitter feed was mainly links.

The question to ask yourself is, “How can I give my readers the most value WITHIN the platform?”


Charles’ zone of genius is writing and researching books, NOT being a tweeter.

What I suggested to him (and what I’ve noticed other authors do for their content) is to share book quotes and content from previous interviews.

That way you use what you already have instead of needing to create new content.


The two content types that have been working the best for me are meaty stories from my business experiences and featuring incredible solopreneurs (like Marc Louvion).


Part 2: Collection System

When I launched Million Dollar Weekend, I tried to promote it to my 1,000,000+ subscribers on YouTube – It only got 25,000 views. In short, I learned that I couldn’t rely on YouTube as my primary mode of communication.

My team and I have been doubling down on Email as the focal point of our marketing efforts. Why? Because you don’t have to worry about a platform deciding if you can reach your customers.

Underneath each piece of content, I add a relevant subtweet that directs people back to my website.


We also share a “Pre-CTA” that teases what’s going to be shared in the following day’s newsletter.


Once people get to your website, you want to make it super easy to sign up for your email list. 

Notice how every page on James Clears’ website is optimized for one thing, and one thing only: to collect emails.


A website’s conversion rate is low. People are quick to click away and move on.

Your primary goal should be to get people’s emails – so you can help raise their level of awareness about your book or product.

One thing our team is testing is using incentives to increase the number of people who give their email. James gives away the first chapter of Atomic Habits and also has a 30-day email course.


Part 3: Nurture System

Once they share their email, I have an automated email sequence set up to welcome them.

Over several emails, I introduce myself and share what to expect. The overarching goal is to get people to buy the book and hopefully leave a lovely review. 🤩

Email 1 (Sent immediately): Introduce yourself + Give the first chapter for free


Email 2 (after 24 hours): more about my story (why I started entrepreneurship) + buy the book if they haven’t


Email 3 (after 48 hours): my fav tools (introduces people into AppSumo ecosystem) + review pls :)


Email 4 (after 7 days): Asking for feedback/review of Million Dollar Weekend


Want to create these emails for yourself? Grab my free email templates here.

One last thing

Whatever platform or content type you choose to focus on, remember this:

The best marketing strategy is to build a great product.

If you build a remarkable product, and give more value than you take, things have a way of working out in your favor.

Rooting for you,

Noah 🌮

Ps. Speaking of remarkable products, Million Dollar Weekend is the book I wish I had when I first started my entrepreneurship journey. Sale ends in 72 hours!! Grab the e-book for only $1.99!! đź’š
