My 2024 Goals

Dec 28, 2023 1:31 pm

Hey amigos - the holiday season is almost done, many people are starting to think about the year ahead…

📋 Goals 2024

Here’s the draft of my 2024 goals -


For those goal-setting, here’s the process I’ve used for the last few years

First, I think about 4 categories: Work, Personal, Health, Travel. 

Then, I create 3 types of goals in each category:

  1. Numerical. This is a total number target (eg. $1M in revenue). 
  2. System-based. This is a specific frequency over period of time (eg. 3x a week), and great for building long term habits when you’re not sure about the exact numerical goal. Especially helpful for content creation and health. 
  3. Progress-based. This is a directional trend, where the specifics don’t matter as much. (eg. you want your email list to grow, and the actual number isn’t important to you), 

Once you’re written down all your goals, here’s 2 ways to know you’ve chosen the right goal:

  1. Exciting. If you are not scared / excited about it, reconsider it.
  2. Consistent. It’s great if you are continuing goals yearly.

For, I make sure to align business goals with my customer’s goals. 

Here’s 5 ways to help make sure you accomplish your goals this year:

  1. Goal + Deadline + Reward = Fulfillment. Always keep the end in mind and have your ‘champagne moment’ to look forward to.  
  2. Look at your goals all the time! I read them every morning and they’re on my phone and laptop. Print it out for the bathroom mirror if you need to.
  3. Get an accountability buddy. Someone to support you when you’re on track and can call you out when you’re not.
  4. Schedule them into your calendar. Because if it’s not in there, it’s not getting done. 
  5. Do a mid-year review. If you’ve chosen the right goals, you won’t need to add more, but this is the time where I might adjust things.

Finally, I choose a word of the year as a reminder of how I want to conduct myself. For 2024, my word is: Grounded.

I explain this process further in an oldie, but goodie video here.

What is ONE thing you want to do in 2024?

📖 Ali Abdaal’s Feel Good Productivity


Speaking of goals, I recently caught up with my buddy Ali Abdaal, whose new book Feel Good Productivity is out now. 👏

He has so many insights on how to avoid procrastination and stay on track with your work while feeling JOY instead of frustration.

We had an amazing time and I’m excited to share our conversation tomorrow on my podcast, so make sure to follow and get notified on Apple Podcasts and Spotify

🎥 Sound of Freedom


Sound of Freedom is a POWERFUL movie about child trafficking. The story is gripping and based on real events, exposing the dark underbelly. It’s not an easy film to watch. 

But it also portrays the hope that we need…that the determination and actions of individuals can change the circumstances. One person can impact so many lives for the better. 

It’s everything both atrocious and brilliant about this world. 

Be Epic, 

Noah Kagan

P.S. I’m closing the launch team for my upcoming book, Million Dollar Weekend in a few days, on Dec 31. You’ll get access to the behind the scenes happenings and special book bonuses. Hit reply if you are interested.
