The Friday Special - “Solo Founder” Edition

Mar 03, 2023 1:31 pm

Testing out calling this email the Friday Special. Love your feedback on what you like and/or want improved about this email. Hit reply - I read every single email.

📈 Dan Koe’s $2.5M Solo Business


Dan Koe has been all over my YouTube feed so I wanted to find out how he grew his $10k sidehustle to a $2.5M/year business. (He just gets a little help from his roommate)

I didn’t expect much, but Dan delivered.

In this episode:

  • How Dan scaled his earnings from $10k/year to $2.5M/year
  • Why you don’t have to have a BIG following to bring in BIG money
  • Plus the exact 4-hour workday schedule Dan lives by

Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

🐁 The maze is in the mouse

This article is insanely good about how organizations devolve and what to do about them...

Praveen Seshadri opens up about his 3-year stint at Google after the company he co-founded (AppSheet) was acquired.

Start with this excerpt:


Read the full article here.

🎯 AppSumo A/B Tests

I’ve been sharing experiments on Twitter that we’re running on AppSumo to boost conversions.

Amazing how small changes make a big difference.

3 things boosted conversions, 1 didn’t. Click to see UI before/afters:

Removed duplicate content (^ 4.9%)

Added ‘Save for Later’ button (^ 2.5%)

Increased ‘Buy Now’ button (^ 7.3%)

Stopped showing retargeted ads (no difference)

Put these to the test on your own site and see what works. If it even makes 1% more revenue, it’s worth the effort.

Be Epic,

Noah Kagan

P.S. Need help turning a business idea into reality? I reopened my course Monthly1K for just $10 (kinda limited time). Sign up at
