MDW launch team - december 24/2023 update

Dec 24, 2023 8:42 pm

Happy Sunday !  Book updates from the week…. 🫰

What happened:

  • More Podcast Interviews. Not as busy as last week but recorded a BUNCH more interviews, including Tim Ferriss, $100 MBA and Hal Elrod. For fun, here’s the episode I did with Tim in 2015 (link to audio). 
  • Landing Page. Just finalized the landing page. Would LOVE any last minute feedback (DM @Tommy Dixon or me) -- launching Jan 2: 

📋 What’s coming up:

  • Rest & Prep. Taking a few days to rest and recharge, then prep for what will be an INSANE January with the book launch. Announcing Jan 2 then a sprint to the finish line. Hope you all get to rest up before 2024.
  • Social Campaign. Ironing out the final details on social posts for the book launching. Planning to share 1 book excerpt / day  in the 14 days before launch.

🔦 MDW Reader Spotlight:

  • Recent weekend cohort - Dave - took action & was awesome. Said “found myself getting drawn back to the industry I work in now... this is where I’ve been stuck for a long time, so I’m excited at the prompts producing results.” Love it Dave! 👏👏

Be Epic,

