MDW launch team - july 28/2023 update

Jul 28, 2023 11:31 pm

Happy Friday!  Wanted to share book updates…

:white_check_mark: What happened:

  • Book Blurbs. Got an awesome blurb from Gary Vee. Asking Ramit Sethi and Sam Parr soon...
  • AppSumo Integration. Working on a strategy to integrate AppSumo with the book launch.
  • Podcast Tour Planning. Talking to Marie Forleo, Art of Manliness, and Shane Parrish this week.

:clipboard: What’s coming up:

  • Twitter Content Generation. Putting together a lil’ content plan to share more about the book/book process.
  • Bonus Bundles. Beginning to finalize the book bonus bundles. The individual bonuses are gonna be gooooood. Would you prefer a live workshop or your name featured in the acknowledgements if you buy a few copies???

:question: Question:

  • Who is your favorite Up and Coming YouTube person? Looking for collabs and people who deserve bigger followings!

Have a beautiful weekend!

Be Epic,

