It's called growth hacking...not slacking ? Growth marketing (or hacking) might cut through all the "noise" of traditional marketing... ...and get you seen and heard a lot quicker. But it's no substitute for hard work and persistence. ? It requires constant learning ? It requires constant experimentation ? It requires continuous iteration ℹ️ In fact, about 90% of your experiments will either fail or perform very average. ? Which means you'll have to work that much harder... make the remaining 10% of your efforts really count! ⚠️ So if you're either getting into growth hacking or enlisting the services of a growth hacker in the hopes of making your work easier... ? You're in for a disappointment! #startupadvice #growthmarketing #growthhacking #marketingadvice #businessadvice
Can you predict the future? ? The past six months have been more than eventful..... ? They've been difficult, ? They've been eye-opening, ? They've been catastrophic! Yet, there is hope that things will get better. ? Based on how the entire world had handled and continues to handle the Covid-19 pandemic... ? Based on how we have adapted to a new way of working ? Based on how we have changed the way we live out lives What is the one major shift in behaviour that you can predict will happen in the near future... let's say at the start of 2021?? ? Will we go back to living our lives we were in 2019? ⚕️ Will nations invest more in healthcare reform and pay more attention to their healthcare systems? ? Will working from home become more least with certain job functions? What else will change? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.? #businessevolution #coronavirus #covid19 #future #change Photo by Sasha Stories • @sanfrancisco
? There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a dream. ? Most successful entrepreneurs in this world had dreams. ?️ Dreams that they worked on really hard to turn into reality. ? But they also had a plan or a goal. While the dream kept them motivated Having an end goal helped them plan the strategy to achieve that And it also helped hold themselves accountable. ---------- X ---------- X ---------- 5️⃣0️⃣ An example of this would be let's say your dream could be to retire at 50. ? Your goal should then be to put measurable and achievable objectives to retire at 50 ?Like finding additional revenue sources Starting a side hustle ? Investing in stocks or whetever.... ---------- X ---------- X ---------- ?It desn't matter how realistic or far-fetched your dream is... ⛰️You need to have a goal and work your way backwards ? Create a strategy to help you achieve that goal #businessadvice #startupadvice #goalsetting #motivation #dreambig #businessstrategy
Have you wondered what it would be like if you were to have an "Out of Body" experience? ? Ok, I don't mean literally.... Let me explain ? You see recently, I had an epiphany. ? I was (or at least I thought I was) working hard to get my new product out to the market. I was busy doing the research, working on the content, the launch plan and a lot of other stuff... ?And I thought I was on top of things. And then I decided to imagine I was outside my mind and body.?️ And tried to observe what I was doing and had done until that point. And that's when I had the epiphany. ? ?I was appalled at how little I had accomplished. ?I was behind on the launch. ?I was getting carried away with certain things and totally ignoring the test. ? I was confused and out of sorts That's when I realized that I needed to get back on the horse.? Push harder, get smarter and work smarter ? I guess sometimes you've got to have that out of body experience to give you an external perspective on life and help you figure out where you can improve on certain areas of your life. Image credit @connordanylenkovisuals #outofbodyexperience #businessadvice #startupadvice #londonstartup #levitation #outofbody
Fake millionaires, fake fashion icons, fake influencers......there are just too many fake people out there, would you agree? . What the world really needs is loyal people. . People who will walk the end of the earth for you. . If they believe in you and what you stand for. . Do you have such people in your life? . #fakepeople #instagramfakers #instagraminfluencers #loyalty #businessadvice #startupadvice #trust
How do you OVER DELIVER to your clients? ? ⚖️ The demand and supply chain has severely been disrupted over the last decade, thanks to the digital revolution. While that has meant more people getting access to more products and services More businesses small and large getting access to more prospects and customers ? And a bigger marketplace in general... It has also lead to an over supply of products and services. ? It's also the reason, sellers do almost anything to close the sale. ? Like making outrageous promises that they are often not able to keep. In this instance I find it better to always over-deliver if you can. Always throw in a little bit of extra service when your client least expects it. ? Surprise your client! Stand out from the competition PS - the barber image has two connotations - for one thing, they go the extra mile for their customers... And for another, I think lots of us need haircuts post lockdown! ? #extramile #serviceexcellence #startupadvicd #businessadvice #happycustomer
When you are a growth marketer (hacker) . Early failure is a good thing. . Failing early means you have time to fix... . To modify... . To iterate. . Failing later can be expensive to fix . #startupadvice #marketingadvice #businessadvice #growthmarketing #growthhacking #failure
When you learn a little, you feel like you know a lot. . But when you learn a lot, you realize how little you know! . Have you ever felt like that? ⁉️ . . . Well, I have. . It's funny how we think we know it all when we really don't. . The key to longevity in business......and in life...... . Is constant learning. . Always keep learning.....? . Always keep upskilling.... . Always keep evolving! . #upskilling #evolve #learning #lifelonglearning #businessadvice #startupadvice #knowledgeispower #knowledge #inspiration
Leaders seem aplenty but leadership is still lacking! Would you agree? . I saw this quote on LinkedIn by someone I've been following for a while - @Brigette Hyacynth and though it would be great to expand on it with my own perspective. . Everyone wants to be a leader. . In fact, everyone who manages people thinks they're leaders. . Sadly, leadership isn't about the people you manage. . It's about people you influence. . You can influence them to be good employees. . Good co-workers. . Good role-models. . Or you could influence them to be mediocre average people just working for a paycheck. . What kind f leader do you aspire to be? . #leadership #leadbyexample #leadershipquotes #businessadvice #startupadvice
10 years ago around this time, I remember sitting at a coffee shop with a few friends. . This was around the time Facebook and twitter had exploded into the mainstream . I guess the idea for Instagram was still being cooked up. . We were divided into two groups. . One group believed that social media was a fad... . A bubble that would soon burst! . The other (the one that included me) not only believed that it was here to stay... But that it would be a part of a fundamental shift in the way the world was run. . Six months later, the Arab spring took place. . The world finally understood the power of the internet . And social media became a powerful component of that equation. . And continues to evolve! . Happy Social Media Day! . Image courtesy: @Unsplash and George Pagan III . #socialmediaday #happysocialmediaday #facebook #instagram #twitter #snapchat #tiktok #socialmedia
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