OpenAI's GPT-4o = A new meaning of the word "Gamechanger"!

May 15, 2024 11:00 am

Hey ,

Hope your summer's kicking in nice and easy. Perhaps the next few minutes of reading this will spice things up for you!

We're so used to hearing the phrase "AI is the future". But from today, we should stop saying that.

Why? Simply put, AI is here, it's the present - and it is already changing the world.

With the latest announcement from OpenAI, more people are going to see what AI can really do, than ever before.

Just this week, we've seen a ground-breaking new announcement from OpenAI.

Gamma (the folks who gave us AI generated slide decks) are now offering AI generated websites.

And we've also got a tool that will help you speak to your Excel or Google Sheet like a human instead of having to figure out how to use all those formulae.


OpenAI launches GPT-4o - with voice capabilities!

OpenAI revealed GPT-4o, a new and advanced multimodal model that can process text, visuals and audio, setting new benchmarks for performance alongside a bunch of new features.


According to OpenAI, GPT-4o is 50% cheaper to use and provides improved performance across text, vision, audio, coding, and non-English generations

GPT-4o, GPTs, and features like memory and data analysis are now available to all users, bringing advanced capabilities to the FREE tier for the first time so keep an eye out for an email or push notification in your OpenAI account.

To check out the different set of features click HERE Or if you simply want to watch the quick 2 minute video, check it out HERE


Gamma Launches AI generated websites

While there might be quite a few tools that can generate an entire website based on a prompt using AI, Gamma, the pioneers in AI generated slide decks have announced this as their latest feature.

And when the folks at Gamma say they can do the same, based on their previous success - you've got to believe it's going to be good.


Gamma’s FREE AI website builder helps users create websites in seconds by simply describing what they want – no coding skills required.

Head on over to Gamma and sign up for FREE!


Give your Excel Sheet a brain!

If you're like me and hate working with Excel or Google Sheets (remembering or working out how to use those formulae is not something I fancy doing regularly), you're going to absolutely love SheetAI.


SheetAI App is a powerful tool that integrates AI capabilities into Google Sheets, enhancing your productivity and automating tasks. Simply put - it gives your Google Sheets a "brain".

With features like Brain for efficient copywriting, List for generating multiple answers, and Fill for populating data, SheetAI revolutionizes the way you work with spreadsheets.

Unlock the potential of AI in your spreadsheets today with SheetAI App!


So all in all, it's been a chaotic but eventful month so far and we're only half-way there! Something tells me we're in for a lot more surprises in the next few weeks.

In fact, it looks like it's going to be a busy summer for growth, sales, and marketing professionals.....and AI enthusiasts in general.

Also, if you're based in London and want to improve your LinkedIn game, we're putting together an in-person workshop in Shoreditch, London in early June. It will be a hands-on boot-camp where we'll teach you to optimize your profile, create content, do your outreach and engage with a purpose.

Click HERE to sign up.

In the meanwhile, stay safe, stay awesome...


Growth Marketer,

AI Enthusiast and

Head Honcho at NexGen Digital


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Hope you enjoyed this edition of the Growth Sprout
