Pizza Or A Kale Salad?: Why Finding the Right Fit Matters πŸ•βŒπŸ₯—"

May 08, 2024 11:00 am

πŸ•’ Reading time: 5 - 7 minutes

Hey ,

If you're in the UK, you know the weather has been playing up a bit but it does look promising and at some point in the not-so-distant future, I predict sunny skies.

With the smell of vetiver in the air, springtime is symbolic of new beginnings. That said, for the past few weeks, I have noticed that there is an increase in the number of new people reaching out to me via cold email and LinkedIn prospecting.

And while there's no problem with those techniques (we do it ourselves and help our clients with cold prospecting too), the one problem is that people don't seem the qualify their prospects first.

By that I mean - they don't find prospects with a good fit for their brand or product. Not only is that a waste of your time and resources, it can also lead to turning away your prospects.

Imagine you're a die-hard pizza lover. πŸ• You've got pizza posters on your wall, pizza-themed clothes, and your fridge is always stocked with pizza ingredients.

Now, picture this: Someone calls you up and says, "Hey, I'm from the gourmet salad bar down the street, and I'd love to show you our latest kale salad creation."

You politely decline because, well, pizza is your thing. πŸ•

But the next day, they call again, insisting that their new kale salad is life-changing and you just have to try it.

You decline again, thinking, "Seriously, I'm all about that pizza life!"

Then, they call a third time, determined to get you to swap your beloved pizza for a plate of greens.

What's happening here? They're trying to sell you something you have zero interest in.

Instead of forcing kale on a pizza enthusiast, they need to find the folks who are craving some greens. πŸ₯—

This is a classic example of not finding customers who are a fit for your brand or product.

If you want to learn more about our winning sales approach (no salads involved, I promise), click the link HERE and book a call with someone from our team.

While I have your attention, let's take a quick peek at what's been happening this past week.


Get your own team of business consultants on a budget

If you're a bootstrapped startup founder or freelancer who's looking to scale without spending on recruiting and payroll costs, this next AI tool is for you.

Meet Olympia, a platform where you can hire your own team of virtual consultants who can help you with business strategy, marketing strategy, content, SEO, and even legal tasks.


The features I like about the service are: being able to follow search results, read arbitrary URLs, long term individual memory, access to real-time online sources via Perplexity and the ability to send outbound email (which I think is dope).


Chat with YouTube using Gemini

Google Gemini’s new β€œExtensions” feature allows users to access external tools such as YouTube to chat with videos and get answers for free.

If you were following my podcast, Talking Growth, you know that in one of my previous episodes, I talked about AIPRM, a Chrome extension that gives you pre-engineered prompts that you can use while on ChatGPT.

Well, Google has now made something similar on Gemini. All you need to do is when you're on Gemini, go down to the "Settings" icon on the bottom left, click on extensions and you'll be able to see the YouTube extension along with a few other nifty ones.


As an example, you can try asking Gemini to explain advanced concepts discussed in a video, generating concrete examples, creating practice questions, and even asking for code snippets.


Say hello to your AI powered IT support team

Discover iokoo, the cutting-edge IT troubleshooter that swiftly resolves all your IT issues with a unique blend of artificial intelligence and human insight.


Experience instant, tailored solutions available in multiple languages, empowering small businesses to tackle technical challenges efficiently and affordably.

Say goodbye to long waiting times and complex contracts as iokoo revolutionizes IT support for seamless problem-solving anytime, anywhere. Check out iokoo HERE.


That's it for this week's edition.

The wheels are in motion for the next season of the Talking Growth podcast and if all goes well, we should be launching Season 2 in June.

Also, if you're based in London and want to improve your LinkedIn game, we're putting together an in-person workshop in Shoreditch, London in early June. It will be a hands-on boot-camp where we'll teach you to optimize your profile, create content, do your outreach and engage with a purpose.

Click HERE to sign up.

In the meanwhile, stay safe, stay awesome...


Growth Marketer,

AI Enthusiast and

Head Honcho at NexGen Digital


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Hope you enjoyed this edition of the Growth Sprout
