Coloring pages and homeschooling from Rachel Newhouse and "Red Rain"

Feb 19, 2025 6:01 pm


In case you're not sure why New Classics included a photo of the planet Mars on our header this week, it's because RED RAIN is set partially on the RED PLANET. ~ Trivia from New Classics

Now, let's hear from author Rachel Newhouse . . .

Who loves to color? I hope I'm not the only one! I have a whole gallery of free printable coloring pages featuring characters and outfits from my sci-fi series, RED RAIN. Click here to see the whole gallery (scroll down to where it says "Coloring Pages"). While you're on my site, you might also enjoy my Parent/Teacher Guide, which features an overview of the series and a full content breakdown so you can decide which of my books are right for your young readers.

Here's what a couple pictures look like after they have been colored.image

πŸ’ A Homeschooling Story πŸ’

Hi friends! My name is Rachel Newhouse, and I'm so excited to be chatting with you today. I'm the author of Red Rain, one of the New Classics titles with a free downloadable study guide. New Classics holds a special place in my heart because I myself am a homeschool graduate, and I love supporting parents in their journey to home educate.

Like many of you reading this, my parents were first-generation homeschoolers. We didn't start out homeschooling; in fact, my parents tried both public and private school before they decided homeschooling was the best choice for us. My mom likes to tell a funny story about our last day in public school, before we transitioned into a private institution. One of her friends at the public school approached her and said, "Just promise me you won't ever homeschool."

My mom laughed and replied, "Now, why would I ever do that?"

Well... you see how well that worked out. *winks* πŸ˜‰ Not two years later, she made the decision to homeschool us, and we never looked back.

We laugh about it now, but it's a good example of how life (and parenting!) doesn't always go the way you think it's going to. In fact, homeschooling itself was a gradual journey of growth and discovery for both my mom and us kids. I remember our first year of homeschooling: It was Abeka and Bob Jones curriculum only, very strict with lots of boxes to check.

By the time I was in high school, however, we were using a variety of curriculum and substituting practicum (like starting my own craft business!) for coursework. By the time my younger sister came along, my parents were doing a lot of exploratory unit studies and encouraging even more out-of-house activities. My sister's homeschool experience was different from my brother's and mine, but we all ended up successful adults--because our parents made the decision to educate us in a way that was right for us and supported our family values.

As homeschooling parents, we all know that every child is different. What works for your oldest may not work for your youngest. But it's even more important to remember that God will guide your family through different seasons, too. When you partner with the Holy Spirit and make Scriptural values a priority in your education, you're giving God permission to help direct your family. And sometimes that means He'll guide you to teach in ways you never imagined doing. Pray and keep your heart open, and you might find yourself going on exciting new adventures.

Just like my mom... who swore she'd never homeschool.


. . . is the author of the "Red Rain" dystopian sci-fi series. She is also a wife, secretary, and Sunday school teacher from Kansas City, Missouri. She loves all things sci-fi, dystopian, and kid lit. When Rachel is not writing, she’s cooking Asian food and growing chilis that are too spicy to eat. Grab your free copy of the study guide for Red Rain on the New Classics website ➑️




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